What test read in a time of crisis ? The advice of the writers

La Boétie, Boccaccio, Mona Chollet, Yval Noah Harari, Ryszard Kapuscinski,Jonathan Swift, Bourdieu, Joseph Stiglitz… As many authors plebiscites by our twenty

La Boétie, Boccaccio, Mona Chollet, Yval Noah Harari, Ryszard Kapuscinski,Jonathan Swift, Bourdieu, Joseph Stiglitz… As many authors plebiscites by our twenty “guests”. Read with or without a containment!

Whatever it is and “what it costs” as some would say, the citizens, many began to read. Among them, twenty writers and intellectuals have agreed to give the readers of The Express their tips and, in particular, answered this question: “What test might be helpful to readers in this time of crisis?” The answers, as you will see, are very various, from La Boétie to Boccaccio, Mona Chollet, the treaties of collapsologie, of Yval Noah Harari to Ryszard Kapu?it?ski, from Jonathan Swift to Bourdieu, Joseph Stiglitz at a Backpacker’s guide … you choose !

The choice of Nicolas Mathieu

Explore, Florent Coste. In this essay, Coste tries to see how literature can become a weapon aesthetic, political, a way to remake it all. For example, he writes : “The poetry is presented as a tactical option to compete with the ways that are going to pose policy problems, to short-circuit the actors who are the relay and to renegotiate the terms of the problem.” A certain form of stupidity has too long held the upper hand. We need to make him play, make him ashamed, and our language is a weapon of choice to carry out this effort.

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Last published book : Rose Royal, Editions In8, 2019.

The choice of Jean-Christophe Rufin

The Discourse of voluntary servitude, by La Boétie. Hope that our legitimate request for protection does not come definitely to the end of our spirit of freedom. Democracy, as Tocqueville had foreseen, may, in the name of the property that we actually create a dictatorship infinitely more hard than that of all the totalitarian regimes. Think about this time of confinement will help us take back our minds (and our rights) when it will be released.

Last published book : The Roller of the Caspian sea, Flammarion (in bookstores June 17, 2020)

The choice of Alice Zeniter

in Praise of the carburetor, by Matthew B. Crawford, which explores our relation to the tools and manual labour, is quite interesting for those, those who have started to repair all that was broken in their dwelling, to dig the beginnings of the vegetable in their garden and are considering almost – like Macgyver – build a helicopter with cork stoppers and a toothbrush. But maybe that is just me…

Last published book : The Art of losing, Flammarion, 2017

The choice of Jean-Louis Bourlanges

This is not a test, but a masterpiece of the Italian literature which helps you understand what to do in these cases. This is the Décaméron, of Boccaccio. The starting point of the book, it is the decision of young people to pull out of Florence is ravaged by the black plague and confine them to a beautiful villa to tell stories a little bit naughty. Who says better ?

Last published book : Europe murdered, Paris, Odile Jacob, 2001

The choice of Sylvain Fort

Some realities are back in our societies who worked so hard to take it away : the suffering, death, loneliness are returned to our daily lives. We are suddenly ready to do anything to save lives collectively, and that requires the discipline of our individuality. This is fascinating. This is why I would recommend the reading of the Writings in London, of Simone Weil, a collection of texts written in the raw light of the destruction of Europe, and in the hope of the renaissance. It is here that we find for example this sentence which appears to be written yesterday : “A community is much stronger than a single man ; but every community needs to exist operations whose addition is the basic example, which will be fulfilled in a spirit in a state of solitude”. The solitude, yet !

Last published book : Verdi’s the untameable, Robert Laffont, 2020

The choice of Serge Joncour

The Guide to getting lost in the mountains. Or a backpacker’s Guide, any.

Last published book : wolf-Dog, Flammarion, 2018

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The choice of Vincent Message

I can think of two books. At home, Mona Chollet is absolutely of circumstances. In this essay, she questions the way in which we inhabit our homes : it contrasts the valuation of travel and nomadism and of disapproval and barely concealed which are often the victim of the sedentary. She noted, for example, that to refuse to respond to an invitation, it is generally necessary to allege that one is sick, that it was too much work or that one is tired : it is almost impossible to say that this evening, we’d rather just spend time at home. It also has beautiful pages to the way in which the home was a refuge, is now open, by the television, internet and our phones, to news of the outside world and the violence that it carries. She points to the inequalities overwhelming that the surge in real estate prices is weighing on us : not to be able to choose the place where you live, having to decide between the proximity of city centres and the living area, it is fully part of the disposition-contemporary – containment makes it more acute still. The Discovery, which publishes the test, has decided to put it into acc&eserious;s free during the whole of this period.

The other book that comes to mind for me is How everything can collapse, Pablo Servigne and Raphael Stevens. Published in 2015 at the Threshold, this test very documented has contributed to the growth of the collapsologie. The authors extend the work of Dennis and Donella Meadows who, based on the analysis of the inventory of resources and planetary limits, predicted in 1972 that the global growth would grind to a halt in the 21st century. The dashboard of the anthropocene that are developing Servigne and Stevens shows how demography world, the consumption of energy and other scarce resources have followed since 1945 trajectories exponential. This pic will necessarily be followed by a decline – that we can organize while planning for the decay, or that we will suffer in the form of a series of collapses. The essay is also very enlightening on the vulnerability in which we place the globalization of the economy, with its long journeys and its interdependencies narrow, which are not accompanied by solidarity mechanisms sufficient. Read it restores the taken on the exceptional situation that we are experiencing, and, above all, to prepare for the future : climate change and the sixth mass extinction of species will in fact expose us to trials in which the coronavirus is unfortunately just a first warning shot.

Last published book : Cora in the spiral, The Threshold, 2019

The choice of Niko Tackian

Streets Barbarians, Piero San Giorgio, a practical guide to survive in the city in the event of the end of the world. A few months ago, we laughed at a few of the survivalist and collapsologues, we thought they were for mild crazy. Today, they themselves say that it is gone even faster than they thought. What is interesting is that the core of survivalism is the accumulation of knowledge on the ground and that you can just acquire it in books. Then it is necessary to get a move on !

Last published book : the One who was crying under water, Calmann-Lévy, 2020

The choice of Isabelle Carré

I’m about to read the new test Yval Noah Harari, 21 lessons for the Twenty-first century, the author of Sapiens and Homo deus, speaks of this time of choice to which our societies will need to respond very quickly. With the coronavirus, the Story accelerates…

Last published book : The Dreamers, Grasset, 2018

The choice of Amanda Stehrs

ll have to read philosophy of the boudoir, if I may dare to this picnic, an author of deep and light as Vladimir Jankelevitch, The I-don’t-know-what and the almost nothing, or Pop theology, by Mark Alizart. And then it’s funny, I pulled out the books of my friends from my library, to see them, as if they were there in case of hard blow: David Foenkinos, Justine Lévy, Florian Zeller, Karine Tuil, Emilie Frèche. If I feel bad I open a random page, I read, and it makes me smile. I lend you my buddies, they have a lot of talent…

Last published book : love Letter without saying it, Stifle (in bookstores on June 7, 2020)

The choice of Gaëlle Nohant

The Great divide, Joseph Stiglitz. Written by a Nobel prize of economy american, this essay exciting and accessible, provides keys to understanding the coronavirus makes tragically in relief : the aggravation of social inequalities and policies, the link between the widening of these inequalities and the risk of democracy. Above all, Stiglitz shows us that the widening of these inequalities has nothing to do with a fatality, it is the fruit of political choices and is the result of a “pseudo-capitalism” based on speculation. And most importantly, it explains how it could be controlled. Intelligent, articulate and life-saving.

Last published book : “The Woman revealed, Grasset, 2020

The choice of Yann Queffélec

the Ebony, the Polish Ryszard Kapu?it?ski, the best text I’ve ever had the hands on the human condition, united colours : the history melee of Black Africa and White Africa. One wonders, when we read, by what aberration, we had not read before. It is always a good thing, when it goes wrong, to see in reading that the irony of the fate is the fate of all mankind in all ages of the world. And that it could go even more wrong still. Unfortunately yes.

Last published book : ‘Tomorrow is another night, Calmann-Lévy, 2019

Laurent Gaudé

Rather than recommend a book that speaks of an epidemic or of imprisonment, I would gladly test Michaël Foessel on the night : The Night. Live without a witness (Otherwise). This is the next big realization that we will have, on a global scale : What do we want to make our nights ? And are we going to let the night disappear ?

Latest book published : Us, Europe, banquet of the peoples, Actes Sud, 2019

Constance Debré

Instructions to the servants (10/18), Jonathan Swift, do not forget to stay ill, confined, with each other, rather than everything well everything well and love all well make good food and cheer to 20 hours.

Last published book : Love Me Tender, Flammarion, 2020

Olivier Adam

This is the time to re-read Bourdieu (but it is always the moment, in fact). History well remember that the “romantisation of the containment is a privilege of class.”

Last published book :The red Rock, Robert Laffont, coll. R. (in bookstores on 28 may)

Jérôme Attal

Without a doubt, the testing and the interviews of the art critic David Sylvester on the work of Alberto Giacometti and Francis Bacon. The painting of Francis Bacon was really the painting of the figures confined in any way. And at the same time, there is a momentum, a feeling that shakes and transcends beyond this condition of figure trapped in the frame, the structure, of the period or of the story. I love the interviews of the painter, it is a literary genre that goes a little unnoticed, and yet I find there’s always a lot of blowing and inspiration for my work and for the life of all days. To escape, I recommend The American writers (Robert Laffont), Pauline Guéna and Guillaume Binet, the authors make a small road trip in the vastness of the american landscapes to go talk to breath, inspiration, and literature with, among others, Margaret Atwood, Jennifer Egan, and James Lee Burke.

Last published book : The Little Sonneuse of bells, Robert Laffont, 2019

The choice of David Foenkinos

I think you need to read Cioran. The disadvantage of being born, for example. Nothing is better than to read more depressed than oneself to get better. After reading this, the containment we appear as a sea trip. Obviously read Cioran, it is poetry in the pure state, the cynical humor that flows in our veins, we can peck here or there a few aphorisms, it is superior to all.

Last published book : Two Sisters, Gallimard, 2019

The choice of Cali

The Gay science, Nietzsche. No.. instead of a test, The Odyssey. This man who fights against the gods to return to his home. While we poor mortals do want that out. Or The Catch-heart, Salinger, sucking up the marrow the burning end of adolescence. Remembering the beautiful things…

Last published book : the Run it means escape, Le Cherche-Midi, 2019

Le choix de Catherine Cusset

For a humanism that is vital : Letters on the life, death and the present moment, Frédéric Worms, published by Odile Jacob in the last year. The answer is in the title !

Last published book : Life of David Hockney, Gallimard, 2018

The choice of Kéthévane Davrichewy

I read a year ago, on the advice of a friend, In itself, an odyssey of the domestic space, of Mona Chollet’s. It explores the relationship we have with our domestic space, the inequality of this relationship, our links to day to day tasks, and think of how intimate, but also collective. Today, this essay resonates particularly and returns to me with another dimension.

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Small Country and Harry Potter… the best-selling digital books to the confinement Pierre Assouline : the revolt of The characters exploited by the news Emmanuel of Waresquiel : “I don’t like Camus. In addition, I found that it writes badly”

Latest book published :Barbara. Our most beautiful love story, Tallandier, 2017

Date Of Update: 23 May 2020, 02:58

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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