How to recognize a hydroalcoholic gel to be effective against the coronavirus

gels, hydroalcoholic sold are not all effective. Some do not contain enough alcohol to kill the virus. Here are the important criteria. They made their appeara

gels, hydroalcoholic sold are not all effective. Some do not contain enough alcohol to kill the virus. Here are the important criteria.

They made their appearance at the entrance of the stores, in the supermarket, and in business. The bottles of hydroalcoholic gel are now part of the gestures of the barriers of the everyday. Very practical, they allow you to eliminate bacteria and viruses, and therefore contribute to the control of the epidemic of Covid-19. So far, all of these gels hydro-alcoholic are not created equal and do not cover the same uses.

It is necessary to distinguish between the types of products that are called “biocides”, that is to say disinfectants, that can kill fungi, bacteria and sometimes viruses, to cosmetic products, that may also answer to the name of hydroalcoholic gel while having no effective against the virus, as pointed out in a survey of Franceinfo.

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Recently, the group France Télévision, has been forced to recall a part of the inventory of gels, hydro-alcoholic, as the latter did not comply. In question : the share of ethanol, or alcohol, present in the gel. The Express train made the point on the way of choosing the hydroalcoholic gel time of a pandemic.

What standard is to be effective against the virus ?

The main thing to adopt is that of washing hands with soap. When this is not possible a hydroalcoholic gel may eliminate the viruses, so it should be virucidal. The national Agency of the drug was detailed in 2009, during the H1N1 flu epidemic, the standards which were required to comply with the gels. These standards must be listed on the bottle.

The Agency recommends that before any products hydroalcoholic bearing the standard NF EN 14476. “The reference to this standard indicates that the product has been subject to tests proving its activity on viruses-naked (viruses more resistant than viruses possessing an envelope)”. Other standards exist : the norm EN1275 indicates that the frost kills the fungi and the standard EN1040 indicates the frost kills the bacteria. The standard EN14476, it indicates that the product also kills bacteria and fungi in addition to viruses.

The alcohol concentration must exceed 60%

The alcohol content of a gel is sometimes insufficient to kill the virus. This is what happened with the bottles of gel hydroalcoholic Hand sanitizer marketed by the brand Symex which have been deemed ineffective by the Directorate-general for competition, consumption and repression of fraud (DGCCRF), which launched on may 18, a recall of these products. It contained only 27% alcohol.

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The concentration of alcohol “optimal” is “between 60% and 70%,” according to the MSNA. Attention, beyond 70%, the amount of alcohol is too large, and there is a risk of developing skin rashes.

Some cosmetic products include the reference to “hydroalcoholic gel”, but contain less than 60% alcohol. The DGCCRF ensured to Franceinfo “check that there is no allegation deceptive business as indications ‘stop Covid-19’ or ‘stop coronavirus'” on these products. From 31 may, all gels and solutions, hydroalcoholic manufactured will be required to indicate on the label the concentration of alcohol, like the rest of the biocides.

Correctly using the gel

The gel should be used in the proper way. In the same way that hand-washing with soap, the method recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the use of a hydroalcoholic solution requires a protocol in seven steps : palms against palms, back of the hands, the interdigital spaces, backs of fingers, thumbs, and finally the pulp of the fingers should be cleaned for more than 30 seconds. The freeze dry all alone on the hands and once dry your hands are clean.

The WHO has also established a “guide to local production of solutions in hydroalcoholic”. It takes three ingredients : ethanol (alcohol), hydrogen peroxide, and glycerol, and sometimes distilled water. All of these ingredients can be found in the trade.

Date Of Update: 22 May 2020, 06:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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