For the Spanish press, the european health experts have under-estimated the coronavirus

experts have estimated in February, three days before the discovery of the home in Italy, that the risk of the epidemic to the population of the eu was “a litt

experts have estimated in February, three days before the discovery of the home in Italy, that the risk of the epidemic to the population of the eu was “a little high”.

Europe would she have been able to better manage the epidemic ? The experts in charge of advising the european Union in the field of health have under-estimated the risk of the new coronavirus during a meeting on 18 February, shortly before the pandemic on the continent, writes on Tuesday the newspaper El Pais.

The Spanish newspaper, said to have consulted the minutes of a meeting of the advisory board of the european Centre prevention and control (ECDC from its English acronym), based in Sweden, where the participants were judged to be “low” the risk to the population and “low to moderate” risk to the health systems of the Union.

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Europe had not detected until now only forty cases of coronavirus, most of them imported by travellers from Asia. Three days later, an outbreak of contagion was detected in Lombardy, in the north of Italy, which counted for more than 32 000 deaths.

“The risk has not been under-estimated, we have spoken of the risk as it was at that time”, replied Tuesday, one of the Spanish representatives at the meeting, Dr. Fernando Simon, who co-ordinates the fight against the pandemic in his country. “What we assess, then, this is not the risk that we know of …., but the measures that we could apply [effectively] not those that we would have liked to apply”.

Lack of facilities in several countries

Some countries, however, are distinguished by their forethought during this two-day meeting, according to El Pais. Ireland (1547 dead today) has announced that it has “declared a health emergency and shall be supplied” in personal protective equipment (PPE) for caregivers, while other countries reported having hard to find on the international market. The lack of PPE has been sorely felt in the countries most hit by the pandemic, such as Spain, which has more than 27 700 deaths.

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Germany has announced at this meeting “to have distributed the protocols of PCR test in more than 20 hospitals” and to have “conducted more than 1000 tests”. Germany has pursued a policy of testing systematic and content to 8000 the number of deaths of the Covid-19 to date.

“The virus has been under-estimated,” said El Pais Daniel Lopez Acuña, a former director at the world Health Organization (WHO). Another expert, Joan Ramon Villalbi, of the Spanish Society of public Health and health administration, notes that the history of the outbreaks of coronavirus Sars and Mers did not allow to predict the spread” that has known the new coronavirus.

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The ECDC is responsible to ensure “early detection and analysis of emerging threats to the EU” and “to help the EU countries to prepare for outbreaks”.

Date Of Update: 22 May 2020, 05:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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