The netherlands is trying to be the corona virus in check, this is the state of affairs of the

in the Meantime, in the Netherlands, of the 128 people infected with the corona virus and the disease, COVID-19 had a first life to be claimed. How concerned sh

in the Meantime, in the Netherlands, of the 128 people infected with the corona virus and the disease, COVID-19 had a first life to be claimed. How concerned should we be? In short, at this stage, it is of vital importance to the source of the contamination to track it down. Then, and only then, can an outbreak of the corona virus in the Netherlands is contained in.

of Course, there is reason for concern, starting virologist is in order for Ab Osterhaus. “Well, that is, there is always a new disease, and what is the COVID-19-the virus is in the way. But we should not overdo it. You will need to prepare for the worst, but hope for the best.”

According to Osterhaus, we don’t have to worry about the corona virus in the country, since, as in some other countries. That is, the preparation of which in the Netherlands are affected by it.

It was in line with the expectation that the corona virus emerged in the Netherlands. The emergency services were well prepared for an outbreak of the virus.

the number of infected people in a couple of days has increased considerably and is, therefore, not a surprise. managing Director, Jaap van Dissel of the Centre for infectious disease control (CIb) of the RIVM said on Thursday that a surge in the number of vectors will fit in to this type of outbreak, in which, after an initial hesitant start, suddenly, a sharp increase in the number of cases”.

in One of the empty streets of San Fiorano, to have a place in the North of Italy, where the corona virus has broken out. (Photo: Reuters)

Indamfase need to control the make-to-avoid

The national Institute for public Health and the Environment (RIVM), working closely with physicians, laboratories, and public health services to the corona virus to fight off. The concern here is primarily aimed at the prevention of the further spread of the virus.

At this stage, it is of vital importance to the source of the contamination is on to track down the man Shaft. Then, and only then can the outbreak of the corona virus in the Netherlands is contained in.

“I’m not saying that it’s not the weather, it can be done. But the bonus is that we are not to leave the door open, and let the virus itself, but to distribute it. With all of the safeguards in the Netherlands, we are the virus there is a certain way to have it under control.” in The next phase, in which urgent measures such as the closure of schools and cancellation of events is necessary, it should only be on if the health service is the source of the infection is no longer able to determine the number of high-risk areas – in addition to countries such as China, Italy and Iran continue to rise.

See also: From all to spray, what to do, and doesn’t help against the corona virus are Cautious noises about a return,

China sound will already be cautious noises about stabilising or declining, the epidemic of drug abuse. Even though that is the speculation is critical should be contacted, according to Osterhaus, in the absolute sense, does not increase more, the number of infections in Singapore.

The virologist is in order notes, however, that it is in Europe, not to be the case. “The virus is going to be in Europe, is still quite round, there is no decreasing trend can be identified. However, the best scenario is that the virus will be gradually disappear.”

you can Follow the latest developments of the virus in our liveblog.

See also: corona virus in a nutshell: these are the most important facts of The corona virus, in short, The virus is spread mainly through the coughs and niesdruppeltjes that are in the air. Those who have no symptoms, is it just a risk of infection. An infected person is infecting on average two to three other people. And this number is declining, however, due to all the safety precautions. By far, most of them mild (flu-like) symptoms. Almost all the deaths involve elderly or already ill people.

Date Of Update: 07 March 2020, 17:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

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