Iron Man: Tony Stark’s 10 Best “Roast” Quotes In The MCU

The fourth phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is at an end, and fans of the films are sad to see it go. Having introduced brilliant new characters, the phase injected fresh life into the franchise. Yet while the new heroes are great, it’s hard for them to compete with lost Avengers such as Tony Stark and Steve Rogers.

Since Iron Man, Tony Stark has been renowned for his fighting skills and his vast wealth, but there was another element that made him engaging: his sense of humor. Always ready to insult himself or others, he was always willing to roast teammates and enemies without any warning, and his roasts were the best.

“Better Clench Up, Legolas.”

The Avengers (2012)

Hawkeye jumping off a roof in The Avengers

When the Avengers first came together on screen, there was one Avenger who left many fans scratching their heads. On a team with a god, a billionaire in a mechanical iron suit, a super soldier, and a giant green monster, why was there a random S.H.I.E.L.D. agent with a bow? Tony Stark was asking that same question.

Hawkeye is the weakest member of the Avengers by far, so it was particularly funny to see Tony roast him. Since there are few popular archers, naming him “Legolas” really was the best that Tony could do, and it showed off how little Tony cared for the archer.

“I Don’t Want To Join Your Super Secret Boy Band.”

Iron Man 2 (2010)

Iron Man without his mask

Nick Fury was a man with a mission. He wanted to put together a task force that could take on anyone that Captain Marvel couldn’t. When he approached Tony Stark, asking him to join the Avengers, it’s likely that he expected Tony to agree. Instead, he was roasted.

While Tony would become one of Nick Fury’s most powerful allies, that early dismissal was hilarious. Since the Avengers would eventually save the world several times over, calling them a boy band was incredibly funny. It roasted Fury’s life’s work, and it roasted the team Tony would eventually join.

“I’m A Huge Fan Of The Way You Lose Control.”

The Avengers (2012)

marvel strongest heroes hulk thor hercules colossus

Bruce Banner’s story is a tragedy, but Tony Stark isn’t a man who particularly cares about propriety in the face of tragedy. Despite knowing how dangerous it was to trifle with Banner, and despite knowing how much the Hulk tormented him, Tony decided to roast the man anyway.

It was as cruel as it was funny, which is why it was such a good quip. Tony showed off his arrogance, but he also proved that he wasn’t going to judge Bruce as some larger-than-life figure that Tony couldn’t banter with. Banner certainly didn’t seem to expect it, but it helped their friendship grow.

“Shakespeare In The Park.”

The Avengers (2012)

Thor wearing a helmet in Ragnarok

When discovering the existence of Norse gods, most people would at least hesitate before facing them. When being forced to fight them, most people might falter or else do so with respect. Tony Stark, on the other hand, insulted the Asgardians from the jump.

Both mocking their way of speaking and their sense of fashion by describing them as “Shakespeare in the Park,” Tony bullied Thor from the second that the two met. Despite being little more than a man in a metal suit, Tony showed that he was absolutely fearless, which is why fans have come to love him.

“I Am Wondering If And When Any Actual Expert Will Also Be In Attendance.”

Iron Man 2 (2010)

Justin Hammer wearing a suit in Iron Man 2

Despite having many rivals in business and science, Tony rarely had any actual respect for them. So when face-to-face with Justin Hammer, a CEO and contractor, Tony couldn’t help but insult the man. It certainly helped that the audience also hated Hammer.

​​​​​​While it wasn’t a smart move, given that Hammer was actually a somewhat important figure, Tony was always too arrogant to really care about what other people thought. So, by cutting Hammer down to size, he propped himself up. To Tony, that was what counted.

“That Means Get Lost, Squidward.”

Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

Tom Vaughan Lawlor as Ebony Maw

It can’t be denied that Ebony Maw looked remarkably like Squidward from SpongeBob SquarePants. As one of the most underused villains in superhero movies, Maw’s character is hard to define, but his awkward resemblance to the grumpy cartoon character is certainly there. Still, while it’s something that anyone could remark on, the circumstances are what make this roast so brilliant.

After all, Tony was terrified of otherworldly threats. After the Battle of New York, he was traumatized. The very thought of an invasion led Tony to create Ultron as a shield to protect the world. The fact that Tony saw his worst fears confirmed, then faced it with snark, is why the man is so beloved.

“Thanks For The Pep Talk, Pissant.”

Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Ant-Man in the Quantum Realm in Quantumania

When Tony happens to be in a bad mood, even his allies aren’t safe from roasts. With Scott Lang trying in vain to comfort Tony, he was met only by snark and complete dismissal. It was actually a pretty cruel reply since Scott is such a nice and welcoming character, but it was very believable for Tony.

After all, Tony had been through five years of hell. After failing to protect the world, he watched everyone he loved suffer, because of his own failure. So, when a character who hadn’t even been there to see the Blip was offering advice, it makes sense that Tony would respond with only a roast.

“You’re Embarrassing Me In Front Of The Wizards.”

Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

Tony Stark holding his arms out in Afghanistan in Iron Man.

Bruce Banner really is a friend to Tony Stark, much to Bruce’s surprise. So, when Bruce was desperately trying to transform into the Hulk, it’s what made it all the funnier when Tony decided to roast him. Yet Bruce’s performance anxiety still couldn’t resolve.

​​​​​​It was the start of a brilliant arc for Bruce, but it’s still understandable that Tony might not have the patience to deal with an anxious Hulk. The strongest versions of the Hulk could take down the Black Order with ease, so a cowardly Hulk really wasn’t what Tony needed that day. It made sense that he would mock Banner for that.

“Everything Special About You Came Out Of A Bottle.”

The Avengers (2012)

Chris Evans as Captain America In The MCU

Before being transformed into Captain America, Steve Rogers was just a scrawny kid from Brooklyn who didn’t like bullies. Becoming Captain America was life-changing for Steve. Yet Tony Stark had to roll his eyes at a scrawny kid, turned super soldier, trying to lecture him.

​​​​​After all, without his suit, Tony was still a genius, rich beyond compare, and incredibly famous around the world. So he could insult Steve with ease, knowing that he was something when Steve was supposedly nothing. It’s one of many reasons that Tony never could have become a super soldier, but it was still a pretty funny roast.

“I Thought You Were A Build-A-Bear.”

Avengers: Endgame (2019)


Even after everything that Tony had seen throughout his life, a talking raccoon was a bit much. After all, Tony mostly knew humanoid heroes. Captain America, Thor, and Hulk were all at least vaguely humanized. A talking and violent raccoon may have been a step too far.

​​​​​​Given that Rocket is well-known as a malicious and judgmental character, calling him a Build-A-Bear is honestly malicious. Still, since Tony didn’t call Rocket a raccoon, it was a step better than the treatment Rocket normally received. Still, it’s hard not to laugh, even after the tragedy of the Snap.

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