'Tens of thousands of Uyghurs to carry out slave labour for the big brands in China

Tens of thousands of Uighurs in China may have become the victim of forced labor and other human rights violations. The group will be used in the manufacture of

Tens of thousands of Uighurs in China may have become the victim of forced labor and other human rights violations. The group will be used in the manufacture of large firms, according to a new report by Australian researchers in the field.

The companies are possibly not of the violations of human rights in their Chinese factories, according to the researchers, from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI). Among others, Dell, Apple, BMW, Nike, Nokia, Volkswagen, volvo, Zara, and adidas, for one, will be named in the report.

On the basis of satellite imagery, the researchers conclude that, since by 2017, at least, eighty thousand Regime of forced labour camps in the region of Xinjang is removed and in 27 of the factories, to do the job. “It is important for the victims, it is extremely difficult to get it to work, to refuse or to wriggle out of it, or one of the other detentiestraf wait for a” write the researchers in the field.

The Regime may be in their free time, are obliged to be separated from other employees and Mandarin chinese to teach. In addition, they are also the “ideological classes” to follow, and was not allowed to have their own religion and to practice it.

It is THIS report that calls for approximately 83 known companies to their own factories in China to take a closer look. The above-mentioned plants, in the name of Nike, it was visited by The new york times. The Us newspaper said, “a prison, surrounded by barbed wire, watchtowers, cameras and a police station for the employees to keep an eye on”. Been a real detentiekampen to a half-million Uighurs

There’s been an international uproar over a half-million Uighurs, and other ethnic muslim minorities in the detentiekampen life. China says the camps are for education and training, where people are free of charge, and volunteered to stay, while in other countries, the use of force.

China has several times asked to be the massadetentie to an end, but the authorities are sticking to their previous statements, namely, that the camps of terrorism and extremism prevention.

Date Of Update: 02 March 2020, 05:00

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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