The Dutch are in Milan and you about the corona virus: it's as If Armageddon has been

In the space of a week in Italy, more than four hundred people have been infected with the corona virus and the death of twelve people, and the consequences. In

In the space of a week in Italy, more than four hundred people have been infected with the corona virus and the death of twelve people, and the consequences. In the north of Italy, where the virus broke out, it is a public life, a big part still. talks with three Dutch people, who live, work or study in buenos aires, the capital of the northern region of Lombardy.

you can Follow the latest developments of the virus in our liveblog.

Nadia: ‘Strange, how a few people on the streets’

“It was going so fast, on Friday, there was no problem, and on Saturday, it was announced that the university, as a matter of precaution, to march 2, it was concluded,” says Nadia van ‘t Klooster, who is on the Milan-based fashion academy, Istituto Europeo di Design university student for the past four years in Milan, and lives.

“I just learned about it via social media by fellow classmates for the first time that the virus is here. This past weekend I was in Amsterdam, when I went on Monday arrived at the airport, it was my temperature, and it was recommended to us as much as possible to keep it off. I’m just in an exam period, so think it’s really great that I am forced to meditate, ben,” said Nadia. “You know, I’m really afraid of is that I have a week to go and you get bored.”

in addition, they are not so sure. “There will be no empty shelves in the grocery stores, and as long as you get your hands a good washing and not coming into contact with people from outside, it is very good. However, it is strange to see how few people are on the streets. There was almost no one on the tram on Monday during the morning rush hour, and the square in front of the Cathedral is almost empty.”

Katy has been living for four years in Milan, italy. (Photo: Nadia van ‘t Klooster).

Jeroen: At the desk, a bottle of disinfectant,’

‘It feels like each and every day as if it is a Sunday evening”, says Jeroen Teerlinck, which is a management agency for models, in Milan, italy. “It’s a very, very vague, something to do with it, as if Armageddon had been all in.”

“People will still have to work. When my wife is at the office, on the desk, a bottle of disinfectant. Also, do I have to be sure to have a great grocery store toilet paper rolls and bottles of water stocked up, you never know what’s going to happen, let Jeroen know. “actually, I’m not really afraid of set up, I’m going to just go with the public transport system. This weekend, two Dutch friends a visit. We do not know what we are going to do the match with AC Milan where it would go is this weekend and played with no audience, and the go-kart track will be closed. We’re going to have to eat somewhere, and inside watching a movie.”

he has to be sure of a supply of toilet paper, a new approach. (Photo: Jeroen Teerlinck).

Tin: “We are in the city, but had to flee’

‘ It’s surreal, it’s like a crazy dream,” said Tin b y, a student of psychology. They were only three weeks in Milan, for an exchange to the University of Cattolica, as it became known, that the COVID-a 19-a virus in the city had been turned up, and to the university over the next week will be closed. “At first, I thought,’ oh, these are just a few of the people who are sick. But all of a sudden, I went into all the people with the masks on, and there were fewer and fewer people are out on the streets.”

“and a few other students, we have decided to close the town is to escape from a house on the shores of lake Como. It’s a lot quieter and less crowded public spaces. A lot of the foreigners in Milan, anyway, last weekend we went to their country of origin. It will be, we will not take a long time in the Netherlands turns up.”

the Tin features the Milan preliminary way for the Lake. (Photo: Tin b y).

The COVID-19-the virus (corona virus) in short, The virus is spread through coughing and niesdruppeltjes that are in the air. Those who have no symptoms is less than risk of infection. A person can have, on average, two-to-three-infect others (it is less than, for example, measles, mumps). And this number is declining, however, due to all the safety precautions. By far, most of the people have a light (- like) symptoms. All the deaths relate to the older, or already sick people. See also: How to have the corona virus in Italy in one weekend and quickly spread

Date Of Update: 27 February 2020, 07:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

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