Heartstopper: Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Netflix has renewed Alice Oseman’s groundbreaking live-action teen drama for two more seasons. Following the lives of two high school boys, Heartstopper has received plenty of praise for its gentle and wholesome approach to LGBTQ+ stories and narratives.

Heartstopper’s sharp and precise writing has helped it have fleshed-out characters, allowing it to be a true and faithful adaptation of the beloved webcomic. Because the show features many different and distinct personalities that have their own story arcs, fans would be interested to know which character matches their zodiac sign.

Tori Spring: Aries

Tori looking serious in Heartstopper.

Tori is the protective older sister of Charlie. While she may seem cold and distant due to her restrained demeanor, Tori is actually very caring of Charlie and have already felt that her brother’s friendship with Nick was blossoming into something more.

Just like most Aries individuals, Tori is self-assertive, vigilant, and intolerant of things that don’t feel right for her. The other characters in Heartstopper should be afraid of crossing Tori because the planet Mars rules Aries, which makes her headstrong, straightforward, and aggressive when provoked.

Charlie Spring: Taurus

Charlie at school in Heartstopper.

Charlie Spring has been through a lot. After being accidentally outed to his entire school, Charlie experienced a lot of bullying from mean-spirited peers like Harry and Ben. But despite that, Charlie continues to push through and tries to live his life as genuinely as he can.

His perseverance and optimism are hallmark traits of the earth sign Taurus. However, it is natural for Taureans to also overthink things, something that Charlie is extremely guilty of when his friendship with Nick was still in the early stages.

Imogen Heaney: Gemini

Heartstopper Season 1 Imogen

Imogen is a Higgs student who is often seen hanging out with Nick’s friend group. She obviously has a huge crush on Nick. but her attempts to flirt with the protagonist of the show are often turned down.

Imogen’s bubbly, charming, and extroverted personality is something that most Geminis are guilty of. While it is known that Geminis don’t take rejection too kindly, they can also be extremely understanding of the people they admire as seen with Imogen when Nick tries to explain why he ditched their date.

Tara Jones: Cancer

Tara smiling in Heartstopper.

Tara is one of the students at Higgs who helped Elle be more comfortable in her new school. One of the most empathic souls in the series, Tara extends kindness to Nick after the star rugby player comes out and opens up about his relationship with Charlie to her.

The intuitive and caring nature of Cancers allows them to be in tune with the people around them. This is something that is evident in Tara, especially when fans take a closer look at her relationship with her girlfriend Elle. If Tara was attending Hogwarts instead of Higgs, she might find herself to be sorted as a Ravenclaw due to her wise and imaginative personality.

Harry Greene: Leo

Harry Greene taunting Nick in Heartstopper

Harry is one of the bullies at Truham who dislikes Charlie for his sexuality. His animosity towards Charlie is what drove a wedge between him and his friend Nick, so much so that Nick actually punched him in the face after taunting and saying mean things about Charlie.

Harry’s pride, love of attention, and pompous attitude are some of the worst negative traits that are often found in Leos. While it’s possible for Leos to have a change of heart and accept their wrongs, it might take a while for Harry to extend an apology to Charlie and Nick in future seasons of the show.

Nick Nelson: Virgo

Nick Sits In Form In Heartstopper

As one of the main protagonists of the show, Nick gets plenty of time to show his nuances, quirks, and personality. In season one, viewers see how Nick tries to figure out his sexuality while doing his best to nurture his relationship with Charlie.

The star rugby player of the Truham Grammar School for Boys is a Virgo through and through. Those who happen to have this mutable earth sign are known to be intelligent and well-grounded. Virgos also happen to be devoted and committed to boot, which is probably the reason why Nick is always overly protective of Charlie.

Tao Xu: Libra

Tao looking serious in Heartstopper.

Tao is one of Charlie’s bestfriends in the show. When he first hears of Charlie and Nick’s friendship, Tao was suspicious of Nick’s motives and asked Charlie to be extra careful.

A true Libra, Tao isn’t afraid to speak his mind out and make his feelings known. Nevertheless, he knows to be careful with his words and approach dilemmas with caution as seen in his initial conflict with Nick. As an air sign, Tao prefers to be in the company of others, which is why he was disappointed when Charlie and Isaac ditched their friend squad’s movie night. But at least he had Elle to keep him company.

Mr. Ajayi: Scorpio

Mr Ajayi in his classroom in Heartstopper.

Mr. Ajayi is the openly gay art teacher in Truham who Charlie feels safe confiding in. In one of the show’s early episodes, we see Charlie take refuge in Mr. Ajayi’s classroom and openly talk about his issue with Ben.

The art teacher’s trustworthiness is a trait that is usually exhibited by Scorpios. It might have been hard for Charlie to open up to Mr. Ajayi initially, but the art teacher’s protective Scorpio instincts must have come out after finding common ground in their sexuality and struggles.

Ben Hope: Sagittarius

Ben smirking in Heartstopper.

Ben is considered one of the antagonists in the series for keeping his relationship with Charlie under wraps. When Charlie wasn’t willing to be involved in their secret liaison anymore, Ben reacted with a lot of aggression.

Ben’s reluctance to stand up for Charlie is only one reason why he is one of the least brave characters in Heartstopper. As a Sagittarius, Ben has difficulty committing to relationships and is often only seeking temporary comfort. The fire sign is also recognized for being emotionally distant, which is why viewers found Ben’s apology to be disingenuous.

Darcy Olsson: Capricorn

Darcy looking shocked in Heartstopper.

Darcy, along with Tara, is one of the first few friends that Elle made at the Harvey Greene Grammar School for Girls. Her fierce devotion and loyalty to her girlfriend Tara, as well as her fearlessness in being an out lesbian, make her a well-liked character in Heartstopper.

Darcy shows a side of Capricorns that is not usually seen by most folks. When Capricorns embrace fun —

which is what Darcy does in the show at all times — they might get too excited and overindulge themselves. Thankfully, Darcy has Tara to keep her grounded.

Elle Argent: Aquarius

Yasmin Finney as Elle Argent in Heartstopper Netflix show

After transferring to Higgs, Elle felt lonely and had a hard time making friends especially since she got bullied at Truham after transitioning. But she soon found companionship in Dara and Tarcy, creating one of Heartstopper’s best friend groups.

Elle’s self-reliance, cleverness, optimism, receptiveness, and intuitiveness all point to her being an Aquarian. It’s also shown that Elle is incredibly smart and cerebral, which is why her friends go to her for sage advice and insight in the show.

Isaac Henderson: Pisces

Isaac smiling while holding an open book in Heartstopper.

Isaac is another one of Charlie’s close friends in the show. Also friends with Tao and Elle, Isaac usually keeps to himself and is mostly shown reading a book.

Despite being a quiet character in the show, it obvious that Isaac is emotionally aware, gentle, and sensitive, all of which are key traits of Piscean individuals. Isaac also has barely any lines, but when he talks, his words never fail to carry to an aura of comfort, something that is mostly attributed to those who have Pisces as their sun signs.

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