Is hands-on by the tripling of the number of threats

The number of endangered victims, witnesses, and officials, over the past few years has tripled, says the Public Prosecutor’s office (OM) on Sunday in a meetin

The number of endangered victims, witnesses, and officials, over the past few years has tripled, says the Public Prosecutor’s office (OM) on Sunday in a meeting with the Dutch. At the same time, there is little of security to be adopted in order for the pressure to ease.

the Officer of justice to Help Pluck them in the Middle of the Netherlands, 350 cases, where the protection is considered necessary. “We’ll have to make do with the same amount of people as in a couple of years ago, when the one hundred cases,” he said in the interview with bbc news.

According to the Itching it leads to the lack of personnel to above-average workload for the existing staff, and there would be the risk of mistakes is going to make.

to The NIS, saying that there is more TO be asked, because the observed number of threats is increasing. Ever since the murder of lawyer’s Derk, Wiersum, which is probably due to organized crime is murdered, it is a large group of prosecutors, judges, and lawyers are intensely protected by more than a hundred police officers.

the prime Minister Ferd Grapperhaus (Justice and Safety), hereby acknowledges in the interview with broadcasting that the services are “significantly” busy to be had. The police and the Dutch National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security (NCTV), asked the government earlier to be in the tens of millions of dollars of additional staff.

Date Of Update: 23 February 2020, 21:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

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