Weather forecast: Mostly dry with cloud cover and occasional sunshine

Friday is mostly dry, sometimes sunny. The direction of the wind is gentle. The highest temperature is around 10 degrees. It was enough

Friday is mostly dry, sometimes sunny. The direction of the wind is gentle. The highest temperature is around 10 degrees.

It was quite cloudy, and in the morning there will be locally heavy rain or drizzle in the east and southeast of the country. In the west, the sun sets more often during the day than others.

note that the wind direction is light to moderate westerly. On the coast of the IJsselmeer the wind is quite strong, to be strong. The average annual temperature in the north is around 7 degrees, and in the south from 9 to 10 degrees.

Saturday of the fair. Also, there will be a storm in the northwest. The temperature varies between 11 and 13 degrees Celsius, which is very low for this time of year.

on Sunday, but it was still milder, with 13 and even 16 degrees, but with the arrival of the storm and Dennis is wild and wet. It will most likely be very windy.

After the weekend, it seems that the sun. It gets a little cold, and sometimes it can rain. 5 days max. Min. Wind on Saturday, 12° c 7° W 5 Sunday, 14° and 11° W until the 6th Monday – 10° c to 6° W 5 Tuesday, 8° 5° W 4 a Wednesday 7° 3° J 4 Update date: February 14, 2020, 06:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

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