The bestselling consoles of all time

The video game industry is a lucrative business, with some home consoles selling tens of millions of units worldwide. How well each console sold is a large measure of what went well during that particular generation, and is also an indicator of trends during that time. It’s an effective way to gauge the success of a particular manufacturer while seeing what gamers are aiming for – and whether the console has redundant features or ideas that stick around.

Before we get into the best-selling consoles, it’s important to note that this list doesn’t include dedicated handhelds. These numbers don’t count sales of used systems since manufacturers have no way to track these transactions (and don’t make money from them anyway). Additionally, the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S systems are still only a few years old, so they haven’t sold enough to crack the list (although, both are off to a good start).

These systems are also home to some of the best-selling games of all time, for which we have a separate list.

10. Super Nintendo Entertainment System — 49.10 million

Super Nintendo entertainment systemImage used with permission of the copyright holder

Many gamers have a soft spot for the SNES — a system that featured some of the most beloved games of all time. Games like Super Mario Kart, Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, Super Metroidand Super Mario World are just some of the titles you may remember.

It took most of what the original NES did well and improved upon it, giving audiences exciting and memorable 16-bit experiences. While it didn’t sell as well as the NES, it was still respectable, and we owe a lot to what this system was able to do in 1991.

9. Xbox One — 51 million

Xbox One console and controller.Anthony/Pexels

It may be surprising, but despite the “loss” of the previous generation, Microsoft still did well with the Xbox One. Even after such a rocky start following the system’s 2013 reveal, the Xbox One managed to turn things around thanks to its many consumer-friendly features like Xbox Game Pass, Play Anywhere, and Games with Gold. Microsoft has not publicly released exact sales figures for the system, but an estimated 51 million have been sold since its release seven years ago.

8. Nintendo Entertainment System — 61.91 million

Nintendo entertainment system with controller.Image used with permission of the copyright holder

Video games wouldn’t be what they are today without the NES, period. At the time, it provided consumers with an arcade-like experience at home and revolutionized the idea of ​​video games in general. Although home consoles existed before then, it was the machine that put them on the map, giving people an affordable way to play games at home.

It was also the beginning of so many beloved franchises that we love today, for example The legend of Zelda, Mario, Metroidand Mega man. Other consoles later outsold it, but its influence is as important today as it was more than 35 years ago.

7. Xbox 360 — 85 million

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Much like the NES and SNES before it, the Xbox 360 revolutionized the way we play games. It popularized HD visuals, providing consumers with immersive experiences that hold up even today. Although other consoles had online functionality before it, the Xbox 360 made online console gaming much more popular.

But games are where this machine really shines. Titles like Gears of War, Halo 3, Grand Theft Auto IV, Fallout 3, BioShockand Mass effect are just some of the impressive games this system has. Considering how lightly the original Xbox sold, Microsoft struck gold with the Xbox 360. By April 2022, it had reached around 85 million units sold.

6. PlayStation 3 — 87.4 million

PlayStation 3 and controller.Image used with permission of the copyright holder

As with the Xbox One, the PS3 had a rough start. Telling your audience to find another job to afford a $600 machine was definitely not the way to go, but Sony managed to turn things around and outsell the Xbox 360. The PS3 had fantastic ideas, but once again, the games were what resonated with your audience.

At its peak, the console pushed indie titles like Travel, Hotline Miamiand Guacamelee!and his AAA experiences like the Uncharted trilogy, Metal Gear Solid 4, God of War 3, Gran Turismo 5and The last of us gave his audience a reason to buy a console. Although it had its flaws, the PS3 is an important benchmark in video game history. As of 2017, the machine has sold more than 87 million units.

5. Nintendo Wii — 101.63 million

Nintendo Wii and Wii Remote.Image used with permission of the copyright holder

There was nothing like the Wii. It was a system Grandma could play. Everyone wanted it, and for the first year or two after launch it was sold out everywhere. Although it was aimed at a wider audience, focusing on casual experiences like Wii Sports and Wii Fitthe system still had a handful of games for “core” players.

The Super Mario Galaxy games are still considered some of the best of all time, while entries like The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and Sword to Heaven today they are fondly remembered. Say what you will about the jokey motion controls — the Wii was a behemoth that managed to surpass 101 million units sold.

4. PlayStation — 102.49 million

Original PlayStation and controller.Image used with permission of the copyright holder

If you can believe it, the original PlayStation (as we know it) almost didn’t happen. At the time, Nintendo and PlayStation were in talks to partner with each other for a 64-bit console generation. As you can probably guess, that never happened. And we’re so glad it didn’t.

Sony set out to create the PlayStation, the console that many of us grew up with. It contained a number of titles such as Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Resident Evil, Tekken, Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solidand Final Fantasy VII. As one of the first disc-based consoles, it allowed its users to listen to music via CD, which probably boosted its sales, leading to over 102 million units sold.

3. PlayStation 4 — 117 million

PS4 Pro standing upright on a white background.Best Buy

Sony made a real mistake with the PS4. From the very beginning of its life cycle in 2013, the messaging was clear, the price was right, and the games were (and still are) monumental. It expanded on the ideas introduced with the PS3, with a greater focus on online fidelity and user experience.

Its line of games is undoubtedly one of the strongest in history, with equals Bloodborne, God of War, Marvel’s Spider-Man, Red Dead Redemption 2, Persona 5, Uncharted 4and Horizon Zero Dawn, captivating audiences around the world. As of May 2022, the PS4 has surpassed 117 million units sold.

2. Nintendo Switch — 122.55 million

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While the Switch can be played in handheld mode, we’re counting it as a home console — especially since it’s the main system Nintendo currently supports. And what a system it is. It is one of the most unique consoles in history, giving its audience the ability to take it on the go, play it at home, or play it in tabletop mode with friends. Not only did it outsell the Xbox One, SNES and others, but it did so in record time.

According to Nintendo, Switch games will continue to be released for years to come, so it has the potential to surpass PS4 sales worldwide. Currently, the Switch is at around 122 million units sold. With vast experiences like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odysseyand even third party games like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, it’s easy to see why it’s so well made. While it may not top second place, it is a remarkable achievement to sell so many units so quickly.

1. PlayStation 2 — 157 million

play station 2Image used with permission of the copyright holder

The PS2 is without a doubt the most popular game console ever. Its sales statistics were so great that for a long time we couldn’t imagine another console to compare with. The PS2 was one of the most affordable DVD players of the time, and it also allowed you to play over 3,500 published games. It was an amazing time to play thanks to all these options, and the PS2 sold well around the world. Whatever you needed – Gran Turismo 4, Final Fantasy X, Metal Gear Solid 3, God of War or even Grand Theft Auto III — PS2 has you covered. By April 2022, it had reached more than 157 million units sold.

The PS2 took more than a decade for Sony to design, build and release — but it was worth the wait. PS2 took the best elements of the original console and eliminated the problems. The console set the stage for many of the most popular and beloved video game franchises of our time. The PS2 is iconic, having a place in gamers’ hearts that has lasted through changing times and trends. Playing remastered games or sequels gives the best feeling of comfort and nostalgia. We’re still waiting for another console that will change the game as significantly as the PS2.

Editor’s recommendations

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