Rijnlanden, create a new event on the quality of water and riviervervuiling

Rijnlanden comes on Thursday, a new event is being created on their shared river basins. Countries must ensure that banks are soon able to do business better

Rijnlanden comes on Thursday, a new event is being created on their shared river basins. Countries must ensure that the coasts can soon be better able to withstand floods and improve water quality.

For pollutant emissions, among other things, it was agreed that the number of so-called micropollutants must be reduced by 30 percent. This includes, for example, drug residues, pesticides and industrial chemicals.

In addition, it was agreed that countries will continue to invest in their rivers and riverbanks over the next two years. During the last two years, Rijnlanden for the last 14 billion, bringing the risk of flooding fell by 25 percent. This is likely in the next twenty years, with an additional 15 percent.

Also, the countries have agreed with France that they will build fish passages in three places in the basin, which means that migratory fish, such as salmon, will soon be accessible from the North Sea to Switzerland and will be able to swim in it.

The minister for Adhd placed on the agenda for drought, was the secretary, Cora van Nieuwenhuizen (Infrastructure, Public Works and Water Management) will be present at the conference to be held in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The drought, which is high on the agenda, also happened on its own initiative. “It is very important that you and other Rijnlanden, just like the Netherlands, cross the border to go to work to find solutions to the problems of low water in the drier summer months.”

In addition to the Netherlands, Switzerland, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and the Walloon region, they are represented in the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICBR). The partnership began seventy-five years ago, and the country is every few years to reach a new agreement.

Updated date: February 13, 2020, 9:00 p.m

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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