World Tuna Day: 11 interesting facts about giant sea creatures

World Tuna Day 2023: On May 2, coastal regions around the world celebrate World Tuna Day every year. To conserve tuna stocks around the world and contribute to the development of sustainable fishing patterns, communities of fishermen, scientists and environmentalists have worked together to achieve this day. Because it is an important animal for human nutrition and economy.

According to a report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, most of the tuna stocks have been exhausted because of the inability to expand the catch and some have been overexploited, meaning in danger of depletion. The International Seafood Sustainability Organization estimates that 13% of tuna stocks are overfished, while 65% of stocks are in healthy abundance.

In resolution 71/124 in December 2016, the United Nations General Assembly officially decided to observe the event. And this campaign highlights the importance of conservation managers to ensure they have the necessary mechanisms and tools to stop the decline of tuna stocks.

World Tuna Day 2023: date, history, theme, meaning and more

About Tuna

Tuna is a speed-oriented, streamlined and elegant fish. It has two separate but closely spaced upper dorsal fins; the first fin is “squeezable” and can flush into a slot running along its back; It is supported by spikes. From the dorsal fin to the caudal fin, there are seven to ten yellow fins, curved and tapering to the tip. The ventral fin of a tuna is located below the base of the pectoral fin. When a fish swims fast, both the dorsal and pelvic fins retract.

Some interesting facts about tuna are:

  • Tuna is one of those fish that can maintain a higher body temperature than the waters around it.
  • With the help of specially designed swimming muscles and torpedo body, they can navigate the ocean efficiently.
  • The Atlantic Bluetail has a maximum length of 10 feet and a maximum weight of 2,000 pounds.
  • They can weigh as little as 3 pounds or 1,000 pounds.
  • Some tuna species are capable of swimming at 43 miles per hour thanks to their unique body structure, fins and scales.
  • These exceptional sea creatures are among the most commercially valuable fish and are an essential part of the diets of millions of people.
  • There are 15 different types of tuna; Skipjack, yellowfin, bigeye and whitefish are the four most common.
  • A large or adult tuna can eat up to 1,500 pounds of food.
  • As a major predator in the aquatic food chain, tuna helps maintain the stability of ocean ecosystems.
  • The $7.2 billion industry depends on tuna. The most expensive tuna ever sold weighed 593 pounds and cost $736,000 in Japan.
  • In nature, omnivores are warm-blooded animals.

The world has known tuna for thousands of years. They are wonderful natural animals. Aristotle’s treatise on the taxonomy of animals contains one of the earliest records of a species. Because tuna are constantly migrating, crossing oceans, and moving from continent to continent, their size, strength, and speed are important characteristics. Many countries depend on tuna sources for food security, nutrition, economic development, jobs, livelihoods, culture, etc.

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