How to Choose the Best Options for Brokers: Expert Recommendations by Traders Union

Making money has always been the dream of mankind. Some of us reach the heights of heaven, while some of us stay on earth crying for our happiness. The decision is entirely up to you. There are many different practices involved in making money. Companies, services, production and what not. You should never be afraid to try new things and diversify your activities. Who knows what brings you fame?

If you have ever been looking for passive income or higher investment returns, you must have heard about stocks, bonds, mutual funds, exchanges, etc. The truth is that you can make a good profit. impressed through this option. However, to get into this field, you will have to contact the broker.

But the problem is that there are a lot of fish in the pond, so how do you choose the right fish for you? Traders Union has determined how to choose the best binary options broker and ranked the best companies. With expert guidance from the union, users can make informed decisions to enhance their trading journey.

Prior to this discussion, we will start with the points that you need to keep in mind before hiring a broker for you.

How to choose the best binary options broker?

Ever since the US government gave the green light to binary options trading regulations, there have been many online brokers available to people who dream of becoming an investor in the near future. You are lucky to have found us to guide you in the right direction.

Broker authenticity

You must not be complacent when choosing a binary options broker. These are hard earned money that you will invest by trusting someone’s skills. The financial industry suffers from countless scams every day. As a result, the governments of different countries have established several regulatory bodies in their countries to eliminate any possibility of fraud.

Make sure that your binary options broker is authenticated by these agencies. Agencies like CySEC, SEBI, ASIC and many others are some examples of these agencies. They have the power to set rules and regulations for the activities conducted during trading and you should only trust brokers associated with them.

customer service

Customer service plays an important role as it is the only link between you and your broker. In the event of any unfortunate incident or even if you are struggling, it is necessary to have a professional team that can guide you through the difficulties. The service should be able to solve any problems that consumers may have.

Furthermore, there should be adequate contact information informing you how you can contact your assigned manager. Trading and investing is a long process and requires years of patience. So if you are not satisfied with their customer service or you feel unsatisfied with their service then don’t choose that binary option for yourself. Explore the internet and find one that suits you and your needs.

Compare bonuses

Every booking platform pays some bonuses and incentives to attract customers. With different platforms, the terms and conditions are also different. For example, company A awards $5 to first time investors through their platform, while company B rewards $10. The only motive here is to attract more and more investors to your platform.

These offers and bonuses can add a big number to your account. Furthermore, the fees they charge for each win or trade also vary according to their terms and conditions. Here are a few things you should pay attention to:

  • initial deposit
  • bonus
  • endow
  • deposit bonus
  • Referral Bonus (if any)

Age of binary broker

Consider this question with an example. Let’s say you’re in a position where you have to lend your work to one of your employees. One of them is an experienced employee, 2 or 3 times a month. On the other hand, a new employee comes in with a minimum of several months’ experience.

Now the deciding factor will be how important that task is. The same applies when you choose a binary options broker for yourself. Obviously, since your hard earned money is associated with a mission, which can mean a lot to you, you should give that money to a well known and experienced company.

However, if the amount is not too large, you may decide to take a risk and give a younger company a chance to showcase your talents.

Customer reviews and feedback

When visiting your broker’s website or downloading their platform on your mobile device, there is always a section dedicated to reviews of their website showing their positive side. We recommend that you do your own research on the Internet and then find an option for yourself. You can find several ranked lists of binary options brokers based on their service and customer reviews.

Read their terms and conditions as well as user feedback to learn more about their functionality.

These are some important aspects that you should keep in mind before perfecting one for yourself. Do not rush to make a decision because trading and investing involves a lot of risks. In the next section, we will name some of the best players on the market so you can pick one for yourself.

Best binary options broker


Quotex is a well known brand in binary options trading. You can visit their website or do independent research on them to learn more about their terms and conditions.


IQcent is currently leading in the binary trading market as its name has a great resonance. It can diversify your investment portfolio with incredible returns and profits. Their excellent customer service and ease of use leave their customers completely satisfied and happy. Their users have access to the following tools, including binary options, CFDs on stock indices, gold, silver, currencies, cryptocurrencies and many more.


This is one such volatile arbitrage site that includes brokers and related services. There you get training, analytics and customer support. Furthermore, Binoma is regulated by the Financial Commission. By using Binomi, you can assess the actual market situation and determine the level of risk.


VideForex is an international forex broker. There you can trade all over the world on the forex market. On top of that, you’ll get over 100 tools and learn methods to gain passive income. This company regulates user activities and protects personal data. Finally, forex brokers offer different deposit and withdrawal methods.


Race options; Binary broker covers international financial services. There you will get optimal trading conditions for funds and get binary options for profit. Furthermore, you can get access to referral and bonus programs. RaceOption brokers regularly hold trading competitions among traders.

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