Ymir Fritz’s Backstory Explains 7 Attack On Titan Mysteries

Dig deep into Ymir Fritz’s tragic history and solve baffling mysteries attack on titan Ever since the Colossal Titan first poked its massive head from the top of Wall Maria, its followers have been following. Grisha Jaeger wasn’t exaggerating when he promised that the contents of his basement would satisfy Eren’s curiosity about the outside world.The survey corps finally got into his basement attack on titan Season 3, only to discover that their country is located on Paradise Island – a country ostracized from the rest of the world. More importantly, Eren and his friends learn about Ymir, the young girl who first wielded the power of the Titans and whose lineage is shared by everyone on the island.

Alas, Grisha only knows the history-books-approved version of Ymir’s story—a sanitized, almost religious narrative that’s annoyingly descriptive of specific details.What actually The story of Ymir Fritz is told attack on titan In episode 80, the Yeager brothers are still arguing over who can command her terrifying Founding Titan powers. Zeke’s royal lineage gives him an advantage, but Eren appeals to Ymir’s suppressed rage to win her over. attack on titan A flashback sequence from episode 80 fills in the blanks of how Ymir found himself in trouble, and why Alan’s plea resonated so strongly.

Set 2000 years ago, Ymir Fritz’s backstory also solves a series of mysteries surrounding Hajime Isayama. attack on titan myth. Here are all seven major revelations.

Attack on Titan finally reveals its Titan origins

Ymir's spine in Attack on Titan

80 episodes ago, Titans first appeared on our TV screens, leaving viewers around the world wondering how these graceful, naked giants came to be. attack on titan Since then, he’s avoided answering this overarching mystery, but Ymir Fritz’s backstory finally provides the closest thing Isayama of Titan origin could possibly offer. The titan’s power isn’t a blessing from above, or a deal with the devil; it’s a dark creature hidden deep within the earth – a primitive insectoid strand of DNA attached to the first living human it touches —on a young runaway slave named Ymir. attack on titan never address precisely What this spiny creature is, but Krueger’s theory of the “source of all life” doesn’t look too far-fetched.

What the first Titan in Attack on Titan was like

Ymir founded the Titans in Attack on Titan

attack on titan So far, Ymir’s founding Titan has only been shown in crude picture books drawn by Eldians and Marleys, with loose interpretations of historical accuracy. Thankfully, Episode 80 fully revealed Ymir’s founder’s transformation, and the design incorporates elements from other Titan shifters we’ve met along the way. Ymir has the same body shape as a female Titan, but her stature is closer to that of a giant. Her claws are reminiscent of the Jaw Titan, but her muscles are honed like an attacker’s. The only feature unique to the Founder (and shared with Eren’s own Founding Titan incarnation) is a massive external ribcage that mirrors the insect-like spine that started it all.

Ymir Fritz is motivated by love

Eren and Ymir in Attack on Titan

attack on titan No specific motive has ever been attributed to Yumir Fritz before. Is she a conqueror? a ruler? Is she acting out of loyalty, or is she a misunderstood revolutionary? attack on titan Episode 80 proves that Ymir Fritz is motivated by love—a twisted, tragic, toxic kind of love, but love nonetheless. When the young ex-Titan Ymir sees the king getting married, she’s in awe of the couple’s connection, trying to understand an emotion she’s never shown herself. After being the only daughter of King Fritz’s army/child, Ymir developed a twisted love for her captives – extreme Stockholm syndrome – and these feelings not only prevented her from disobeying or fighting back (she could always In doing so), they force Ymir to protect King Fritz with his own life.pass all attack on titanThroughout Ymir’s history, Ymir has been guided by a false sense of love—until Eren Jaeger inspires her to finally break free.

How Ymir Fritz died (despite the Founding Titan)

Ymir dies in Attack on Titan

attack on titan It has been confirmed that Ymir died 13 years after inheriting the Founding Titan, placing the horrific “Ymir’s Curse” upon her descendants.How such a powerful monster met its fate is puzzling. attack on titan Fans had it for a while, as the Marleyans weren’t fully equipped to move quickly using 3-D mobility gear at the time. As shown in Ymir’s flashback, she was struck down while protecting her king from an enemy spear attack.Fritz himself noted that this simple blow was not enough to stop the Founding Titan, but Ymir died anyway…because of her choose arrive. As much as she loves King Fritz, Ymir burns with rage at being oppressed, and choosing not to heal herself represents a way of escaping that horrible existence. In a painful irony, Ymir’s consciousness eventually entered the Path and she was forced to continue serving the Fritz family regardless.

How the Founding Titans’ Powers Are Divided

Armored Titan

There’s a pretty big gap in both Eldia’s and Marley’s history books – how Ymir’s only founding Titan split into Nine Titans.Both parties generally agree that this separation occurred, but both avoid precisely describing how. Are Titans Reborn descendants of Ymir? Did Ymir generously share her power before she died? No, Ymir’s children ate her body. King Fritz, desperate not to lose his precious Titan power, puts Ymir on the children’s menu and the Titan’s power lives on.As Ymir Fritz was eaten by all three of her daughters, the Titan powers were first separated and then further diluted until they became the Nine Titans attack on titan Known for all that has to do with predecessors in the path.

Aldia and Marley’s conflicting histories are all wrong

Attack on Titan Ymir founded Titan

Since the introduction of the warring nations of Eldia and Marley, attack on titan Two completely different fictional histories are presented. Either Eldia was a benevolent empire that used Ymir’s titanic powers to develop the modern world, but was betrayed by the evil Marais who took that power for themselves; or Eldia was a cruel and oppressive ’s regime was legitimately overthrown after causing countless bloodshed.Ymir’s flashback attack on titan Episode 80 shows some facts about both narratives. The Eldians have been evil conquerors from the beginning, and with Ymir siding with them it’s only going to get worse.Although they done Laying the foundations of modern society (“What did the Eldians do for us?”), this power is mostly used for great evil.

on the other side attack on titanIn historical coins, Ymir was never the devil—she was a pawn representing a cruel king, but Marley perpetuates this lie to inspire fear of the race as a whole, not just its ruler. As we know, Marley’s intentions aren’t exactly noble either, as they continue on the same path to Titan rule as Eldia.

Technically, Ymir is not an Eldian

Ymir's Profile in Attack on Titan

exist attack on titanIn the timeline, Ymir Fritz is hailed as the mother of all Eldians, who literally call themselves “Ymir’s subjects”. attack on titan People often doubt whether Ymir is real yes Sure enough, episode 80 proved that Eldian society is entirely based on lies. Ymir was originally a humble villager whose unidentified home was ransacked by a violent tribe calling themselves the “Eldians.” Only after gaining the power of a Titan was Ymir forced to conceive King Fritz’s child. She may have become the “mother” of modern-day Eldia and the ancestor of its royal blood, but as a slave captured from a foreign village, Ymir was never really considered an Eldian in her day. She’s a ship for the future prosperity of the Eldian Empire…but that doesn’t look good in the history books.

attack on titan Streaming Sunday on Funimation, Crunchyroll and Hulu.

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