Interview: neuro makes athletic Trainer Lienhard Sprint Star gap Kemper quickly

Using neuro-athletics, coach Lars Lienhard becomes the fastest German sprinter, Gina gap in Kemper even faster. In an interview for tz, he reveals what

Using neuro-athletics, coach Lars Lienhard becomes the fastest German sprinter, Gina gap in Kemper even faster. In an interview for tz, he reveals what is hidden behind the method.

Munich – She is the fastest woman in Germany and even faster! Lars is a sports scientist and Gina Gap Neuro Athletic Trainer at Kemper. 100 meters runner in her last year with three times under the magical limit of eleven seconds, the first German since Katrin Krabbe in 1991.

Today, Gep Kemper starts in Istaf Indoor for the first time for their new club SSC Berlin. In the tz-Interview Lienhard gap kempers battery Trick explains what makes Snort good and what prejudices he had to overcome.

Mr. Lienhard, Gina gap Kemper licks before the competition on a nine-volt battery. Why?

The brain receives information – about the environment, about our movement and our own body. When we gently touch our tongue or move, this information is sent to the brain stem. And the brain stem is heavily involved in regulating our posture and stability. I am interested in the areas of activity in the language, the willingness to do a lot of things, to regulate the muscle tension of the flexors and extensors. In the research of motor skills, they developed an instrument that puts the whole tongue. For me as a coach, not intended as a nine-volt laughter battery ().

Are there other outstanding methods?

We work with colored glasses and holes, headphones with bones, chic certain waves in the cheekbones and as a result, we stimulate the organ of balance. Also, blowing your nose is an exercise. It has a nose hole, a muzzle and an air pump. Or you can squint exercises. It’s stuff that looks really weird on the outside, but if you look deeper into the neural connections, it makes a lot of sense. Sure, it’s a lot cooler to lift 300 pounds in the weight room because you have to squint and wag your tongue.

What is a Snort well?

the Schniefens’ movement activated an area of ​​the brain used to control the eye, head and spine. It will be more stable during movement.

What does interval training look like in Kemper?

The last time I trained with Gina, it was something you could hold onto during acceleration, a steady visual image. If you put your right foot on the ground, the head was not stable and swayed slightly. We balance training with the eye, combined with large movements of the spine.

What sports, besides athletics, are widely used in neuro-athletic training?

We started in winter sports and in professional football, because we are the most aggressive. I have included an increasing amount of work with athletes in preparation for the 2016 Olympic Games.

Were there Resisters when they were trying to establish neuro-athletic training?

But of course! At first, people screamed with laughter. Like someone straining to snort and squint, and suddenly the knee pain disappears. What are you, what is the result for the resonance of faith? The entire system of education in the therapeutic and medical field is mainly based on symptoms. In other words: if the knee hurts, you should also work on the knee or the followers. In the world of neurons it is completely different. It is more a question of which part of the brain, muscle tension for knee pain or whether there are problems with motor control.

when do you resume offensive training?

It was after the 2014 FIFA World Cup. I had the privilege of traveling as a coach with the German team to Brazil and was one of two foreign coaches who were available to the players. Per Mertesacker was one of the initiators, and before the World Cup I worked privately with some of the national team members. By was Campo Bahia is always there, every day.

Interview: Jonas Austermann

also read: Gap in Kemper Aggressive: “Hey, my friend, is it actually still?”

Updated date: February 2, 2019, 12:02 a.m

Categories: Optical Illusion

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