Mom Backed for Photoshopping ‘Sweet’ Kid out of Family Photos

The internet has backed a woman who Photoshopped her friend’s toddler out of her maternity photos after he insisted she open most of the gifts she received that ended up in every single picture.

In a post shared on Reddit last Thursday under the username u/Lilith_Babes, she explained that while she tried to make her baby shower an all-girls event, everyone insisted on bringing their husbands and kids, so she eventually agreed.

As she was about to open her presents, which she thought would be a great opportunity to get some good family pictures with her fiance and son, the son of one of her friends, a 6-year-old boy who is also a close friend of her son, decided to interfere, and his mom did nothing to stop him.

a mom supported the photoshopping of a friend's childPicture of a child arranging gifts. A woman received support for photoshopping her friend’s child from her family pictures. Getty Images

The poster read: “[He] he asked his mom impatiently, ‘Can I open the presents too? To which his mother replied: ‘Oh! That sounds like a great idea! Go ask the OP!’ and when the little one ran up to me, I didn’t know how to tell him no.

“My mom and my friend tried to talk to his mom quietly without the kid hearing, but she insisted ‘the OP wouldn’t mind if my son was a sweet kid that he would be so happy giving gifts’.”

The poster didn’t say anything in front of the child, but in the end he ruined her plans, in fact, he says that the child managed to open most of her gifts, and since he didn’t move from there, he was with them in every picture.

According to Best Products, the expected range that most people feel is appropriate to spend on a birthday gift is around $25-$100, depending on your relationship with the parents-to-be.

Since the poster couldn’t get any pictures of just her family on her birthday, she decided to have some of the pictures edited, removing her friend’s child so she could have the family pictures she planned to take. But when her friend saw what she had done with the pictures, she didn’t take it well.

She wrote: “The mother is very upset that I said I shouldn’t have removed her son from the photos and that it hurts her feelings to exclude her son so easily.”

Florence Ann Romano, personal growth strategist and book author Build Your Village: A Guide to Finding Joy and Community in Every Stage of Lifesaid Newsweek: “Everyone can have their own feelings. It’s not up to us to tell someone what to think or how to feel. Regardless of the explanation or reasoning behind it, her friend’s feelings were hurt; and hurt enough that she felt the need to express it.

“A simple apology should suffice. But, if further explanation is required, it is perfectly acceptable to acknowledge that the edit was not meant to be taken personally and that you are sorry for the impression that it was.”

The post quickly went viral on the platform, receiving more than 5,900 upvotes and nearly 800 comments.

One user, HeirOfRavenclaw, commented: “[Not The A******]. The other mother is wrong and needs to develop some common sense. You’re too nice, I’d kick that kid out after opening one present. It’s not her event, her child has no right to be involved at all.”

And jetttward said: “I miss the days when baby showers were just for your first child and only for women. No kids, husbands, boyfriends or anything. [Not The A******]. And the lady who told her child to ask was a real jerk.”

Floydfan added: “[Not The A******], but you have to have ‘Welcome’ written all over your face because people treat you like a doormat. Try to be more assertive in the future. ‘No, all those extra people can’t come. The house is too small, I don’t want them there, etc.’ Thanks for the help, we got the rest, go back to your mom.”

Newsweek could not reach the original poster to verify the details of the case.

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