Visual Test: Find out if you’re a dreamer or a realist based on what you’ve seen here

Bryan’s Campos 28.09.2023. 08:15 a.m.

Finding out whether you are a dreamer or a realist can be a matter of life and death for many, so this visual test It goes beyond a simple game. Whether you see some branches, an orange bird or a giant bird, this exercise promises to surprise more than one. You have to fulfill only one condition: be 100% honest when answering what you first saw in the picture. We all have a different perspective on how to face life and set our goals, which is why this is evidence Nowadays it has great importance.

To discover the results, all you need to do is very simple. Take a few seconds to look at the illustration and, based on what you see in the image, you’ll be able to tell pretty accurately whether you’re leaning towards dreaminess or reality. Ready for what’s to come?

See the image of the visual test

This one visual test It will give you a clearer picture of whether you are more of a dreamer or someone who is more realistic in life. There is no right or wrong answer, as both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages. The most important thing is to understand what your dominant style is and how to use it to your advantage.

Visual test: find out if you are a dreamer or a realist based on what you see first (Photo: GenialGuru).Visual test: find out if you are a dreamer or a realist based on what you see first (Photo: GenialGuru).

See the results of the visual test

If you saw the branches…

  • If the intricate system of branches on the trunk in the lower left corner first caught your attention, you are probably a very realistic and, above all, objective person. You have the ability to see things as they are and make decisions accordingly. When you set a goal, you don’t let distractions derail you and you don’t let excessive thoughts and thoughts overwhelm you. From your perspective, the most sensible way to approach a problem or deal with a situation is to act quickly, even if that means making decisions with minimal thought. The consequences can be considered later. Your approach would make you an exceptional leader in any company.

If you see an orange bird…

  • If the first thing that caught your attention was that orange bird in the right corner, it is evident that you are a deeply realistic person, but at the same time you know how to appreciate life and enjoy it. You know how to find joy in the little things and everyday adventures that make life meaningful. You are probably one of those rare people who managed to find the perfect balance between the responsibility and realism of an adult and the imagination and sense of wonder of a young dreamer.

If you have seen a huge bird…

  • If your attention was focused on a large bird and you noticed that the tree could be interpreted as a gigantic bird sitting on the ground, you are undoubtedly a dreamer. Your mind is not satisfied with the obvious or what most consider important. You are always looking for something truly unique, something that escapes the perception of others or that they cannot understand. Fortunately, this does not separate you from the real world, because you are fully aware of the responsibilities and duties of everyday life. You managed to find a balance between dreams and reality in a completely unique way.

Why are tests important?

  • Early detection of vision problems: Visual tests allow the detection of vision problems or disorders in the early stages, which facilitates timely diagnosis and treatment. This is especially important in children, as untreated vision problems can affect their development and academic performance.
  • Visual health assessment: Vision tests help assess a person’s general eye health and vision quality. This includes measuring visual acuity, color perception, depth perception and other visual skills that are critical to everyday functioning.
  • Customization of visual fixes: Vision tests allow us to determine the type and degree of vision correction needed, such as glasses or contact lenses, to improve a person’s vision. This ensures that corrections are appropriate and suit individual visual needs.

In short, visual tests are important because they allow us to detect visual problems, assess visual health, personalize visual corrections, improve safety and performance in visual activities, contribute to research and improve knowledge about the visual system, and assess cognitive abilities. visual perception.

How did these tests come about?

Visual tests, also known as visual acuity tests, were created as a way to assess the quality and capacity of the human visual system. Its development has been gradual throughout history, with different methods and techniques being used in different periods of time.

One of the earliest records of vision testing is found in ancient Greece, where doctors used rudimentary methods to test their patients’ vision. These methods included the use of symbols and letters to assess reading ability and visual recognition.

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The journalist graduated in digital marketing from the Federico Villarreal National University. Digital coordinator in Depor. Web editor in the specialized sections of Depor MĂ©xico, Colombia and the United States. SEO by vocation. Football, basketball and tennis, my passions.

Categories: Trends

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