Only 1 out of 100 people manage to find what's hidden in this picture – is that you?

Many of you tell us that you like our little games.

Many of you tell us that you like our little games. But some of you find them too easy. Really? No problem ! This is a demanding challenge to observe. So much so that out of 100 players only 1 finds the solution. Will you be the one or the one?

You have been warned, this observation game is terrifying. Let us tell you a story that can set you on the right path. Once there was a man who was hiking with his children, when in the middle of the rest he was surprised to discover a perfectly camouflaged creature among the rocks. He says: “I was about to lean against the rocks to say something to one of my children when something caught my eye. He was perfectly quiet and perfectly still. He was perfectly camouflaged, but it was undoubtedly about…”. Stop! We can’t tell you more.

These are the rules of this game: you will have to look at the photo below and recognize which animal is hidden and especially… where. Tip: you can click on the picture to see it better. If you can’t find it, you can continue reading, we won’t reveal the solution right away, but we’ll give you a hint first. ready Here is the picture:

If you found it, say BRAVO. Because this game was particularly complicated. Go now and challenge your friends: click here to tag their names in the comments of our Facebook post and see if they’ll be as observant as you. Didn’t find it? Therefore, we will help you a little with advice. Know that what you need to look for looks like this:

Copperhead snakes are a species of venomous snake that can be found in the eastern and central United States, with the exception of Florida and southern Georgia. They are recognizable by their flesh-colored body, dark hourglass-shaped stripes and copper-colored head, which is how they got their name. Despite the venom, copperhead bites are quite rare. If left alone, they are not dangerous at all. They are poisonous, but their venom is considered mild and 99.99% of bitten victims survive. Now that you have this clue, you can look at the picture again and try to find the snake in the picture. If you can’t, you can continue reading this article to get the solution.

A snake with a copper head is hidden to the left of the pebble, wrapped in dead leaves. We see his head blocked against a rock while his body is rolled up, only betrayed (or masked?) by scratches. You asked for a tough game, you got it! If you can’t find it, ask your friends to try to see if they can beat you. To do so, click here to tag their names in the comments of our Facebook post.

Categories: Optical Illusion

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