Tourism : the measures of partial unemployment extended, of the terms and conditions set

In the tourism sector, which is particularly affected by the crisis, reduced working hours will be extended until December. System of partial unemployment, road

In the tourism sector, which is particularly affected by the crisis, reduced working hours will be extended until December.

The system of partial unemployment established for the tourism sector, particularly affected by the pandemic, which was supposed to end in September, will be extended until December, according to an agreement yet to be determined, the Secretary of State for Tourism Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne announced on Wednesday.

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This use of partial activity for companies in the sector (hotels, restaurants, tour operators, events, etc.), which was established during the containment, was introduced to help cope with the stoppage or reduction of their activity. In May, the government announced the extension of the device until the end of September.

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“Part-time unemployment continues under the same conditions until September, it will extend until the month of December, maybe we will see methods according to the state of the industry,” announced the Secretary of State for Tourism Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne in front of the France Info microphone.

“But what is clear is that tourism professionals need support in the long term; for some it will be a white year. We will continue to be on their side,” he insisted. “We will consider it in September. In principle, yes, we will continue until the month of December”.

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Lemoyne recalled that the government “invested 18 billion euros in support and investment measures” in the tourism sector, measures announced in May and which include measures for partial unemployment, loans guaranteed by the state, exemptions, social or tax deferrals.

“Almost €9 billion in state-guaranteed loans” have already been granted to companies in the sector “to deal with all the cash stresses,” the state secretary said. The sector as a whole accounts for more than 8% of French GDP and 2 million jobs.

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“It will be necessary to extend the terms of help and support of our profession, otherwise there are many doors for hotels that are close. It will be an economic cataclysm for our tourism sector,” Jean-Virgile Crance, president of the national group of hotel chains (GNC), showed on Tuesday to AFP ).

“The allowance for part-time unemployed ceases to be paid in September, she asked for an extension at least until April 2021. We will have to extend the release of costs and the financial part, it will be necessary to extend the bank maturity, even if this means that they are transferred to the end of the financing , otherwise many institutions would not have gotten away with it,” he said.

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“With Umiha”, the main federation of hoteliers, “it is estimated that more than 20% of institutions that could be in a situation of near bankruptcy by the end of the year, if the economic situation continues”, also believed Jean-Virgile Crance.

Date of update: 29 July 2020, 07:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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