Police officers accused of racism in the court of Paris : the public prosecutor opens an investigation

Investigations are entrusted to the Chief Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN). The prosecutor’s office in Paris opened an investigation on Tuesday

Investigations are entrusted to the Chief Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN).

Prosecutors in Paris opened an investigation Tuesday into “voluntary violence by persons in public authority” and “public insult,” following allegations of racism and abuse by police officers in a Paris court filing.

The investigations concerning these facts, published on Monday by the testimony of one of these officials, in the investigation of the site is the online information Streetpress, which would be produced from 2017 to 2019, “are entrusted to the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN)”, said the Parisian prosecutor.

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In more detail, the objectives of the research, in addition to “voluntary violence”, “public insult due to origin, ethnic group, nation, race or religion”, as well as “public insult based on gender or sexual orientation”.

Investigation of human rights defenders

After this Tuesday, the new defender of rights, Clear Hédon, also announced in a press release the opening of an investigation by his independent institution responsible for ensuring respect for the conduct of the forces of law and order.

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In this case, the police prefecture announced on Monday that following an administrative investigation by the IGPN conducted in February, one police officer will be referred to a disciplinary commission scheduled for September, and five others will be subject to administrative sanctions, reprimands and warnings, he observed. is “the weight of the alleged facts”.

According to a police source, the disciplinary commission will be “due to inappropriate behavior towards prisoners, breach of exemplary duty”.

“More than a thousand defendants” were abused.

In a report to his superiors in March 2019, as revealed by Streetpress, Brigadier-Chef Amar Benmohamed denounced as “racist” the “usual manner” of peacekeepers being required to “address those brought in of foreign origin”, as well as the term used to qualify this woman, but also a colleague: “bastards”.

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in the article On the website of online information, the police officer claims more broadly that “for a little more than two years, more than a thousand defendants were mistreated” at the request of the Paris court, where he is assigned and where people are detained waiting to be brought to justice. “Without a doubt even more”, according to him.

One who is also a union delegate in the Unity SGP-Police claims to have heard the following words: “shut your mouth, dirty bougnoule,” “black,” “dirty race,” or even “I’ll make it to the Seine,” “If you’d let me , I would burn all these merguez”. In the report, this police officer also condemns various denials of food, preventing access to care, etc.

“violent behavior”

On March 12, the day of his report, one of his superiors, a police lieutenant, reminded his troops that “racist, insulting, discriminatory words” should be “avoided” and that it was “crucial” to recognize detainees’ “all rights” and “take care ” to their “health condition”.

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In addition to the report of the facts to the Paris public prosecutor, Amar Benmohamed also announced a lawsuit with the establishment of a civil part for accusations of “moral harassment” against him following his reports, his lawyer, Arié Alimi, said on Monday.

Updated date: July 28, 2020, 8:58 p.m

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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