Coronavirus : the WHO launches an evaluation committee on the management of the pandemic

A panel of independent experts will work on crisis management. The WHO has been heavily criticized for its response to the pandemic. A healthy world

A panel of independent experts will work on crisis management. The WHO has been heavily criticized for its response to the pandemic.

The World Health Organization, heavily criticized for its response to the Covid-19 pandemic, announced on Thursday the establishment of an independent panel of experts, whose mandate will be developed in agreement with member states.

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“I am proud to announce that former Prime Minister Helen Clark (New Zealand) and former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (Liberia) have agreed to co-chair the review committee, which we call the Independent Panel on Pandemic Preparedness and Response,” announced WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus before the diplomats of the member states.

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“I can’t think of two more independent people to make this honest assessment and help us understand what happened and what we should do to avoid such tragedies in the future,” he said.

The head of the WHO also warned of “divisions” in the international community that “give priority” to the coronavirus, two days after the United States officially confirmed its withdrawal from the organization. “Divisions among us give the virus an advantage” and “we will not be able to defeat the pandemic if we are divided,” he said.

“The biggest threat we face today is not the virus itself, but the lack of leadership and solidarity,” he added.

More than 200,000 deaths in Europe

According to the WHO, the coronavirus pandemic is accelerating globally, now with almost 12 million cases on the planet. In Europe, the situation appears to be under control, although the Old Continent remains the hardest hit by the virus with more than 200,000 dead, including more than two-thirds in the United Kingdom, Italy, France and Spain.

The United States remains the country most affected by the disease, in terms of number of infections as well as number of deaths. The epidemic has caused over 132,000 deaths in the world’s leading economic power, and as of Wednesday evening, 3,046,351 cases of infection have been detected.

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In this tense context, the WHO has warned of the likely possibility of airborne transmission of the virus, especially in public places, meaning it is much more contagious than originally predicted.

Updated date: July 9, 2020, 1:58 p.m

Categories: Optical Illusion

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