Man asks cat if he can pet it, kitty brutally rejects him. Watch

Cat or dog lovers often find different ways to express their affection for these lovely creatures. From offering food to showing friendly gestures to simply saying hello, people find different ways to interact with kittens or puppies. Among them is Reddit user Catluminati. He regularly posts videos of himself going around his neighborhood to interact with different cats. He also records the kitten’s reactions to his requests and questions. In his latest post, he shared a video asking cats if he could pet them. While most of the kittens were welcoming, a few were nonchalant. One cat, however, rejected him and rather brutally.

The picture shows a man approaching a cat and asking if he can pet it.  (Reddit/@Catluminati) The picture shows a man approaching a cat and asking if he can pet it. (Reddit/@Catluminati)

“Rejection is so hard,” a Reddit user wrote while sharing the video. The video opens to show a man meeting a cute cat. Then he asks the cat if he can pet it. At first, the cat ignores the man, but when he asks again, the cat not only moves away but also hisses at him. Although his kitten petting mission starts off poorly, it takes a happy turn when several other kitties happily let him pet them.

The video was shared 12 days ago. Since then, he has collected close to 300 upvotes. The stock also garnered a few comments from people.

“I love this guy so much! He has such pure love for these kitties and they know it!” wrote a Reddit user. “This is so sweet,” added another. What do you think of this cat video? Did he make you laugh?

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