To anticipate the epidemic, the Academy of medicine recommends that you monitor the wastewater

the research showed that the amount of traces of the virus, “rapidly inactivated in water”, “is correlated with the curve of the epidemic, before the arrival

the research showed that the amount of traces of the virus, “rapidly inactivated in water”, “is correlated with the curve of the epidemic, before the arrival of the wave.

While traces of SARS-CoV-2 have been found in wastewater everywhere in the world, the Academy of Medicine recommended on Tuesday systematic monitoring of this and other viruses in wastewater treatment plants in France. Since the outbreak of the disease in China, several scientific studies have documented the presence of the coronavirus in patient stool.

From the toilet to the sewage system and wastewater treatment plant, there is only one step that has been taken, several research groups that quickly found elements in the genome of the new coronavirus in sewage, in Paris, Amsterdam or Brisbane. The research showed that the amount of traces of the virus – “quickly inactivated in water” – “correlates with the curve of the epidemic, before the arrival of the wave, after its ascent, and strongly decreases with its regression”, says the statement of the Medical Academy.

Extend this monitoring to other viruses

“That temporal relationship directly with the wave of the epidemic, and especially even before its onset, can make this indicator a valuable tool for predicting potential outbreaks, testing hundreds of thousands of people for the presence of the virus,” she adds. It also advocates monitoring the “systemic” circulation of SARS-CoV-2 to analyze wastewater treatment plants “as the virus continues to circulate in the population.”

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The academy also recommends extending this monitoring to other viruses, such as myxovirus (including influenza), rotavirus (causing gastroenteritis) or respiratory syncytial (bronchiolitis) viruses, and “establishing a sample bank to retrospectively detect any new virus or pathogen that has emerged in the population , which fixed the beginning of the epidemic”.

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In March, Dr. Vincent Maréchal, a virologist from the Sorbonne University, who participates in studies carried out by the Eau de Paris city control laboratory, called for the creation of a Sentinel network of national wastewater surveillance to predict the reversal of the Covid-19 epidemic.

Date of update: July 8, 2020, 01:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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