Only highly intelligent people can find a cheating student in the exam hall in 10 seconds!

Brain teasers test the reader’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills by challenging them to solve a problem. These challenges can increase intelligence and improve concentration.

A brain teaser challenge mostly involves solving a puzzle, cracking a code, finding a hidden object/bug or spotting a mistake in a picture.

Practicing such challenges regularly helps improve problem-solving skills and also provides healthy exercise for the brain.

How detail oriented are you?

Let’s find out now!

Also read:

Logic Skill Test: You have a high IQ if you can find the bracelet thief in 7 seconds!

Brain Teaser IQ Test: Find out who is cheating in the exam hall in 10 seconds


Source: YouTube

The above picture shows the scene of the exam hall in front of the readers.

One student cheats on the exam.

The challenge for readers is to find that student in 10 seconds.

This brain teaser will test your visual and logical thinking skills.

Your time starts now!

Look at the picture and study it carefully.

Have you identified the student?

Harry up; time is running out.

Study the picture carefully; you may be very close to finding the student who is cheating.

Look for subtle details in the image that can help you solve the problem.


Time is up.

Congratulations to those readers who have found a student.

Those who couldn’t can scroll down for the solution.

Also read:

Optical illusion to test your eyesight: The sharpest eyes can find a strange light bulb in 3 seconds!

Find who is cheating on the exam in 10 seconds : Solution

If you pay close attention, you can see that the girl with the white top has something written in her left hand.

Therefore, she is the one who cheats.


If you enjoyed solving this puzzle, share it with your friends and family and see who is the best.

Also, check out some more cool challenges in our recommended reading section below:

Recommended reading

You have the eyes of a hunter if you spot a fish in the picture in 10 seconds!

Spot 3 differences between rat and cheese pictures in 12 seconds!

Brain IQ test: Only people with high IQ can find the robot in 6 seconds!

Categories: Optical Illusion

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