Referendum post-Convention climate : Macron insists on the consultation of Parliament

the president praised the “extraordinary” work of the Convention, while insisting on the importance of “consultation with the Parliament” before a possible verdict

the president praised the Convention’s “extraordinary” work, while insisting on the importance of “consultations with Parliament” before a possible referendum.

Emmanuel Macron hailed the “extraordinary” work of the climate ‘Convention’ on Thursday at a lunch with leaders of political groups in the Parliament, according to several participants. The importance of “consultations with the Parliament” before a possible referendum was also highlighted.

According to Damien Abad (LR), “Emmanuel Macron has not rejected the idea of ​​a referendum” on the proposals arising from this convention. But the head of state insisted in advance on “consultation with parliament and the territories,” said Bertrand Pancher, group, Freedoms and Territories. Emmanuel Macron also referred to “the ability to take obvious steps to avoid and quickly reach consensus,” according to the same attendee at the Elysée lunch.

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“there is a part of local implementation, and on the other hand a national one that works with the parliament”, confirmed the communist Pierre Dharréville. According to Jean-Christophe Lagarde (UDI), Emmanuel Macron “found that the work done by the citizens was extraordinary, that not everything was subject to a referendum and that it would be necessary for parliament to work on these issues”.

according to Olivier Becht (Let’s act together), Emmanuel Macron wants to “avoid a split” over ecology. He’s always trying to “reform while looking for morphine-free pacification,” according to his remarks made by several guests. During the roundtable there was “strong convergence”, including from the left and LREM, on “energy renovation of residential units to simplify and strengthen the device”, notes Matthew Orphan (EDS).

A meeting with members of the Convention is scheduled for Monday morning

Emmanuel Macron must meet with the 150 members of the Climate Change Convention by 11am on Monday. The President of the Republic will meet at the bottom and make an announcement, his entourage ensures. “We are very satisfied with this democratic experiment. The work was done in a serious way, with a lot of dedication,” notes the entourage of the head of state.

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On Sunday, the climate ‘convention’ requested the introduction of the fight against global warming into the Constitution and the creation of the criminal offense of ‘ecocide’ by referendum, calling on the executive power and the parliament for their ‘responsibilities’ for the implementation of other measures.

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Among them, reducing the speed on the highway from 130 to 110 km/h, increasing the bonus-malus of the ecological vehicle, the height of the advertising frame or high taxes on ultra-processed food.

Date of update: June 25, 2020, 6:58 p.m

Categories: Optical Illusion

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