Star Wars Explains Why Yoda Believed Luke Was The Last Jedi (Despite So Many Order 66 Survivors)


  • Yoda believed that Luke was the last Jedi because he strictly adhered to the Jedi Code and did not accept unconventional training methods like the “Boken Jedi”.
  • Yoda believes that the “Boken Jedi” have deviated from the path of light and are moving closer to the dark side due to their aggressiveness.
  • Yoda doesn’t know if the “Boken Jedi” have faced the test and become true Jedi, so he can’t consider them to be full Jedi like Luke.

Master Yoda tells Luke Skywalker he’s the last Jedi, though survivors of Order 66 still roam the galaxy – and Star Wars It has been explained why this is the case. As one of the oldest and wisest Jedi Masters of the Jedi Order, Yoda understands the Jedi Code as much as he understands himself. This resulted in Yoda setting a very high standard for all levels of Jedi, a standard that had successfully misled him in the past, especially during the Clone Wars. Still, he served as Luke’s right and wise master to complete the training Obi-Wan had begun, leading Yoda to believe that Luke was the last remaining Jedi.

This claim has left viewers scratching their heads ever since survivors of Order 66, including Ahsoka Tano herself, were revealed to be alive during the same time period. While Yoda may be in exile on Dagobah, he remains fully aware of the survivors of Order 66 who continue to advance across the galaxy, as well as other Force-sensitive individuals who seek training from these survivors. Why Yoda would make such a statement about Luke while all the other Jedi are still running around the galaxy is a question that has been asked for years and now, Star Wars It has been explained why this is the case.

Belan’s ‘Boken Jedi’ insult fits Yoda’s point

Beran Skor considers his battle with Ahsoka in Episode VII.

Baylan Skoll hurled the “Bokken Jedi” insult at Ezra Bridger, named after the wooden swords used by Jedi Knights in training. Belan associated the term with people like Ezra, who was born after the fall of the Jedi Order and trained by Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus, whom Belan reduced to a Jedi The most basic level. Just as Borken was a mock lightsaber, Ezra was a mock Jedi who seemingly earned the title but didn’t actually have any of the same powers or purpose.

This view is actually consistent with the one held by Yoda, as he would also strictly adhere to the Jedi Code to determine who would be considered a true Jedi. Yoda would not approve of the unconventional way in which these “Borken Jedi” were trained, even if these trainers were those who had experienced much of their lives in the Jedi Temple. amazing waves explains this in more depth, focusing on why Yoda doesn’t consider Jedi like Ezra, Ahsoka, and Kanan to be “real“Jedi.

Yoda worries that a generation of Borken Jedi has been tainted by the dark side

Ezra Bridger versus the Sith Holocron and Luke Skywalker versus Darth Vader in ROTJ.

In the aftermath of Order 66, navigating the galaxy required many Jedi survivors to sacrifice the stricter rules of the Jedi Codex in order to survive. This resulted in many of them becoming more aggressive than the Jedi before them, and certainly more aggressive than any Jedi before the fall of the Jedi Order – even if they fought as generals during the Clone Wars. This aggression was passed down from these surviving Jedi to the “Borken Jedi” during training, as many of them feared their Padawan would face the same fate that many of their peers experienced during Order 66 .

In the eyes of people like Yoda, this is a path to the dark side, no matter how important it is to survival. Any Jedi willing to accept such aggression can no longer be considered a Jedi; instead, they stray from the path of light and move ever closer to the dark side.Some of this danger can be seen in Ezra’s own journey, part of star wars rebels He was actually seen opening a Sith holocron and learning from it, though with Kanan’s help he was able to return to the light. Still, adapting to the Dark Side’s characteristic aggression would never win Yoda’s approval, so these survivors and the next generation could never become Jedi in his eyes.

Yoda had no way of knowing if these Borken Jedi passed the test

When Ahsoka faced Anakin in Episode 5, Ahsoka reflected the eyes of the Sith.

A Jedi only becomes a knight when faced with a test, and that’s the path Yoda tells Luke to take against Darth Vader. Passing this test completes the Jedi transformation, and considering Yoda showed up to Luke after the Battle of Endor with an approving look on his face, it’s safe to say Luke passed his test. These tests are the only way to determine who has the chance to advance from Padawan to Knight, and without them, the Jedi Order would have no way of judging whether a Jedi is truly ready to earn such an important title.

Since the training process for these “Boken Jedi” was already unconventional compared to that of the Jedi Order, Yoda was unable to determine whether they would face trials before earning the title of Jedi Knight. Without this confirmation, there’s no way Yoda could have considered them to be true Jedi, especially as one who upheld the traditional Jedi Code so faithfully. In his conversation with Luke, Yoda implies that one must become a Jedi to become a full Jedi, which is why he asserts that Luke is the only Jedi left by the time he becomes one.

Yoda did not know, and could not have known, that many of these “Boken Jedi” had already faced trials of their own. Ezra confronts Grand Admiral Thrawn and resists Emperor Palpatine’s temptations in the process, and even Ahsoka herself comes face-to-face with Anakin Skywalker in The World Between Worlds to confront her former master One last lesson learned.Although Star Wars The audience knows this and can accept the fact that Luke is no longer the only Jedi in the galaxy, Yoda never had the chance to do so, which is why when he faced the trial and became a Jedi, he still believed in Luke Was the last Jedi. knight.

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