IMAGES. Between smooth and round of applause, the mobilization contrasting caregivers

The march in Paris drew 18,000 people, according to police figures, but clashes marred a number of events. “no applause, but a rally” :

The march in Paris drew 18,000 people, according to police figures, but clashes marred a number of events.

“no applause and no rallies”: after three months of the health crisis, doctors, health assistants and nurses took to the pavements by the tens of thousands on Tuesday, somewhat everywhere in France, to remind the government of its promises about the hospital. But the conflicts cast a stain on numerous events…

thousands of protesters protested yesterday against the government’s unfulfilled promises regarding the public hospital.

Hans Lucas via AFP

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In Paris, where a Ministry of Health procession joined the Esplanade des Invalides and gathered 18,000 people, according to police, violence eventually broke out.

Caregivers in white lab coats watched the clashes on the Esplanade des Invalides in Paris.

Hans Lucas via AFP

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250 to 300 rioters marred the event in Paris

The forces of order replicated the barrage of missiles by firing tear gas at the violent protesters, who included the “anti-fascists” of the black blocs. Vehicles are overturned.

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according to the police, 250 to 300 rioters, including the “ultra yellows”, advance guards, were put into action as soon as the disabled arrived.

The nurse, with the support of her colleagues, was caught tearfully telling the protesters: “You blew up our demo, you are pussies!”. “We flew violently at this event,” Patrick Pelloux, president of the French Association of Emergency Doctors (Amuf), told BFMTV, saying it had “totally failed”.

On social networks, some users were enraged by such scenes of violence, especially when some protesters returned a car to a disabled person.

A bus passenger, who was walking along the Esplanade des Invalides during the event, was also attacked by some protesters and his windows were smashed.

Controversy after the violent arrest of a nurse

other health care providers have criticized the police, who have been accused of disproportionate use of force. The arrest, filmed by a nurse, sparked controversy on social media, and a rally outside a police station in Paris, attended by BIA deputies Éric Coquerel, Mathilde Panot and Danièle Obono. “The woman, a nurse by profession, was arrested for insulting and throwing missiles at the police,” a police source said, and several videos of the arrest circulated on Twitter.

there was a woman in a white lab coat who was mercilessly interrogated by law enforcement when violence erupted at the arrival of a procession of 18,000 protesters, according to figures from the prefecture of police, to the Esplanade des Invalides. In some videos, you hear the nurse calling for her ventolin, a medicine used by people with asthma.

other videos show the same person minutes before his arrest, throwing missiles in the direction of law and order forces. “The officer who was hit by one of these missiles will file a complaint” on Wednesday, a police source said.

Nimes and Lille, with the applause of the font

But the conflicts and the tears were not the only powerful symbols of this day. Many other rallies were held peacefully, and in some cities in France the police wanted to show support for the medical staff.

The forces of order put their helmets on the ground in Nîmes, in the Gard, before you start applauding the carers’ procession. “All together! All together!” nurses, doctors and hospital staff shouted for their passage.

The same scene was recorded in Lille, where police officers in charge of securing the area around Republic Square cheered on the protesters. Again, this is what they did.

gatherings everywhere in France

More than 250 meetings, according to the CGT, were held at the invitation of a dozen unions and carers’ collectives. The first permitted protests in the country since the entry into force of the ban are three months old, provided that on February 14, the date of the last major mobilization for the hospital, they gathered, according to the police, 7,500 people in Toulouse, 6,000 in Lyon, 5,500 in Nantes, at least 4,000 in Bordeaux or Strasbourg, 3800 in Grenoble, 3500 in Marseille…

thousands of caregivers gathered in front of La Timone Hospital, in Marseille, France.

Hans Lucas via AFP

The goal: to build on the support received from the population during the health crisis, in order to receive advances to employees of hospitals and long-term care facilities, which is the head of state at the beginning of the epidemic.

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The first guarantee of “recognition” promised by the executive is still far from having satisfied stakeholders: “You don’t want a medal or a small bonus in secret, we want a salary that will be in line with what our business brings to the company,” says Clara Grémont, health assistant near Montpellier.

“Mr. Macron, what do you have planned for the caregivers? We don’t have anything at the moment!” launched Professor Laurent Thines before the crowd in Besançon, before asking for “a minute of silence for the medics who died in France because of the negligence of this government, which failed to protect”.

“The crisis caused by the coronavirus showed the shortcomings of our system, but we were faced with the fact that we had no choice,” says Charlotte Dumont, a children’s nurse in Bordeaux, for whom “the main problem is managing a hospital as a business”.

After more than a year of strike in the emergency room, and then in the entire hospital service, the claims have not changed: “We expect an increase in salaries and recognition of professional qualifications. We expect to open beds, hire staff,” said the number one of the CGT, Philippe Martinez, who was present at the beginning of the meeting in Paris.

some of the topics put on the table “Ségur zdravla”, broad consultations that should materialize by the beginning of July, the “plan of huge investments and revaluation” promised by Emmanuel Macron.

other sectors are demanding theirs, such as health and social institutions, where the CFDT filed a strike notice on Tuesday. Its secretary-general, Laurent Berger, urged “to be concerned about health workers in the private sector, who have also been on the front lines during this period”.

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Health Minister Olivier Véran wanted to reassure himself on Monday: “We are working on it in advance,” he said, noting that “more than a hundred consultations at national level” have been carried out since the beginning. “Ségur”.

Regarding the promised salary increase, “a meeting has been arranged” with the caregivers, he reminded. By the beginning of July, they will have all the answers to the questions they ask and the claims that they are legitimate. In an interview on France 3 Normandie, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said Tuesday that he “perfectly” hears the demands of the mobilized caregivers. He again promised “a very massive and very significant response”.

Date of update: 17 June 2020, 06:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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