Endangered Persian leopards shot on trap camera. Watch incredible video

Indian Forest Service (IFS) officer Parveen Kaswan took to X to share an amazing video of a Persian leopard family. Since the video was released, it has gone viral and intrigued many people.

Persian leopards under a rock.  (X/@Parveen Kaswan) Persian leopards under a rock. (X/@Parveen Kaswan)

“When a family of Persian leopards decided to make a home in front of a trap camera. The best thing you will watch. Credit to @NarynTR for raising awareness about them,” wrote IFS Parveen Kaswan on X.

In a subsequent tweet, he informed: “Panthera pardus tulliana, also known as the Persian leopard, is currently an endangered species. There are less than a thousand adults on the planet. Such camera documentation helps to understand and monitor the species in a better way. We have dozens of such documentation from their own reserves. For example, the Indian leopard below was radio-collared. Its movements are tracked, etc. captured by a camera trap. Use of technology for conservation.” (Also Read: Revenue Officer Shares How He Trekked In -15 Degrees Celsius To Capture Video Of Snow Leopards That Goes Viral)

The video shows an adult leopard, along with its three cubs, standing under rocks and resting. At one point you can even hear the soft cries of cubs calling for an adult.

Watch a video of Persian leopards here:

The video of the leopard family was shared on October 14, and has been viewed more than 71,000 times since it was posted. The video also has more than 1,500 likes. Many expressed their amazement at the video in the comments on the post.

Here’s what people are saying about it:

The individual wrote: “A family of Persian leopards making a home in front of a camera trap is a heartwarming sight and great to see @NarynTR’s efforts to raise awareness of these magnificent creatures.”

Another commented: “Thanks to technology helping to learn more about #wildlife. Great documentation.”

“I love these big cats. I grew up watching them on the Discovery Channel and National Geographic,” posted another.

A fourth shared: “Amazing!”

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Categories: Trending
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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