Richard Madeley apologises after being blasted for ‘disgusting’ question to GMB guest over Hamas horror

RICHARD Madeley has apologized after being blasted for his “disgusting” questions to a Good Morning Britain guest about the horrors of Hamas.

A TV host left Lib Dem MP Layla Moran speechless on Tuesday morning when he asked her if she knew anything about the terror attack in Israel BEFORE the riots broke out.

Richard Madeley has apologized after being blasted for his 'disgusting' questions on GMB


Richard Madeley has apologized after being blasted for his ‘disgusting’ questions on GMB
He left Lib Dem MP Layla Moran speechless


He left Lib Dem MP Layla Moran speechless

Richard asked Mrs Moran, MP for Oxford West & Abingdon: “With your family connections in Gaza, did you have any indication of what was going to happen ten days ago, two weeks ago?

“Was there word on the street?”

The stunned MP replied: “Not this, not this.

“Everybody, everybody was surprised first of all by the timing and the sophistication and the way it happened.

“What I will say is that I have been warning, and others in the Parliament for years, that if we don’t find a way… People say ‘go back to the negotiating table.’

“The fact is that there was no table, let alone a return to the negotiating table, for at least ten years.

“This is a cycle of violence. Now I worry that this is radicalizing another generation on all sides.

“We have to stop this hatred. We have to bring people together and find a way out.

“Peace is harder than war. It’s harder.”

Viewers have since demanded that Richard be “taken off the air” for asking such a “stupid” and “insensitive” question.

A spokesman for Good Morning Britain (GMB) has now said that Richard’s intentions were to “understand the mood and atmosphere” in Gaza – not to cause upset.

The statement read: “Richard is sorry for upsetting viewers with his question to Layla Moran.

“His intention was to understand the mood and atmosphere among the civilian population of Gaza just before the attack.

“He asked Layla about her family in Gaza City because she had spoken to them earlier in the interview.

“He did not want to imply that she or her family may have had any prior knowledge of the attacks.”

Hundreds were killed and dozens taken hostage when Hamas gunmen swept across the border on paragliders and motorcycles on October 7.

Hamas terrorists armed with guns, grenades and knives killed entire families in their beds.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Hamas beheaded soldiers, raped women, shot children in the head and burned people alive during its horrific attacks on Israel.

About 40 babies and children were killed – some with their heads cut off – in one town.

Ms Moran became the first British-Palestinian MP when she was elected in 2017, and her family has been barricaded in a church in Gaza City.

The politician says her family has “no food or water” and “nowhere to go”.

She added: “I don’t believe it’s right for my family to be held responsible for what Hamas has done.”

Layla Moran is understood to have appreciated the interview and said she would love to return to GMB.

Categories: Optical Illusion

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