Crisis of the sars coronavirus : six questions on the wide-ranging investigation by the public prosecutor of Paris

The Paris prosecutor, Rémy Heitz, announced on Tuesday the opening of an extensive preliminary investigation into the administration that criticized the Covi crisis

The prosecutor of Paris, Rémy Heitz, announced on Tuesday the opening of an extensive preliminary investigation into the administration that criticized the Covid-19 crisis in France.

On Tuesday, the prosecutor’s office in Paris finally opened the investigation that has been claimed for several weeks by numerous associations about the crisis management of the coronavirus in France. This “research hat” brings together 13 procedures dedicated to complaints from associations or trade unions, and the fourteenth covers 33 complaints, for the vast majority of individuals, from The express train highlighted the point of entry and exit.

Why did the Parquet de Paris launch a preliminary investigation?

This survey is the first judicial response to the quarantine of complaints that the Paris public prosecutor more or less carefully received during detention. These complaints were submitted by the relatives of the victims, professional organizations or even the “petitioner”, through the types of complaints published on the website.

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Those complaints against X have sometimes been the target of named administration officials, including Health director-general Jerome Solomon, the first media during the outbreak in France, or public health in France. They mention, among other things, the prison administration and the Ministry of Labour.

What are the facts?

This new research seeks to address key complaints about the management of the outbreak: workplace safety measures, procurement of protective masks and testing.

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The Paris prosecutor’s investigation, which continues to receive new complaints, is open for “unintentional murder”, “negligent murder”, “endangering the lives of others”, “restrained volunteer in the fight against the disaster”, “failure to help a person in danger”.

Who is leading the investigation?

The investigation was entrusted to the Central Office for Prevention of Damage to the Environment and Public Health (Oclaesp). A special unit with up to nine investigators will be established. The administrative investigations of the ministries, scientific expert reports, but also parliamentary investigative commissions will be informed about their work.

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the creation of The Oclaesp date in 2004, as noted by Le Parisien. Its missions are broad and can range from monitoring trade in protected animal species to monitoring pollution. 75 people work as investigators. This police service, attached to the national gendarmerie, consisted of two departments: “one dedicated to forensic investigations, including organized human trafficking. The other is focused on strategy and analysis, and relations with territorial units of the police or gendarmerie,” says Yannette Wood, Oclaespa’s number in Parisian.

That should be determined by the survey?

“The criminal investigation is not there to define responsibilities, policies or administration, but to uncover any crime,” said Public Prosecutor Remy Heitz. “If a criminal has faults, they will most likely be – this is the assumption – faults that are not intentional. But the law sets precise conditions to establish these crimes: it requires proof of ‘qualified fault’ that is not simple carelessness or negligence.” commented the prosecutor.

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The combination of these researches will allow, according to the prosecutor, to establish a fund of common documentary evidence on the state of scientific knowledge about the disease, testing and masks, etc., because “for this type of crime, the criminal law says that it is necessary to appreciate the responsibilities of” policy makers “in light of resources and knowledge that they had at their disposal at the time of decision-making,” emphasizes Rémy Heitz.

Can Emmanuel Macron and the government be held accountable?

The research is not directed at Emmanuel Macron, who is irresponsible, criminal and cannot be tried for his actions during his mandate. “He may not, during his term of office and before any French court or administrative body, be required to testify as to the subject of the action, act of information, statement or continuation. Any period of limitation or prescription is suspended” , as stated in Article 67. of the Constitution.

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The investigation is not directed at members of the government. The possible criminal responsibility of the ministers is for the Court of Justice of the Republic, confiscation of 80 appeals on this day. This instance is the only one authorized to judge the actions of the government during the performance of their functions. “A criminal investigation is not there to define policy and/or administrative responsibility for care, but to uncover any criminal act,” said Public Prosecutor Remy Heitz.

Why is the investigation not affecting long-term care facilities?

This large survey is national in scope and does not address crisis management in long-term care facilities, which are the subject of local surveys. Two preliminary investigations, for the group of long-term care-Korian, and in particular were opened by the public prosecutor of Nanterre for involuntary manslaughter, endangering the lives of others and not providing assistance to a person in danger, as the Release pointed out. These two investigations were launched after complaints from families of residents who died from the coronavirus in “Bel-Air” in the town of Clamart.

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The public prosecutor of Nanterre has opened a preliminary investigation against Villa Beausoleil in Chaville and other long-term care facilities in Clichy, notes Le Parisien. In the end, the prosecutor of Nanterre decided to consolidate the complaints. The investigation is being conducted by the Brigade for Suppression of Crimes Against Persons (BRDP). Another investigation was opened by the public prosecutor of Grasse, against another member of the Korian group located in Mougins, this time for “unintentional murder” and “failure to save people in danger”, writes Le Figaro.

Date of update: 10 June 2020, 07:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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