Settlement with NRK: – No logic in the decision

So you should see these musical masterpieces. There is a limit to how much I try to be bitter. Should I See Cynical on this series was a springboard for me

So you should see these musical masterpieces

There is a limit to how much I try to be bitter. Am I supposed to see the cynicism in this series that was a springboard for me, but yeah, I got pissed off. I don’t see any logic in the decision. I don’t really know why I don’t get a sequel or what is being discussed. It’s frustrating,” humor profiler Jonis Joseph (28) tells Dagbladet.

“The King of Gulset” is an oppvekstseris based on the childhood and youth of Jonis Joseph in Gulset, a drabantby in Skien in Telemark.

The two seasons of the NRK series boast good reviews, good viewership, the prestigious Gullruten Award last year and now recently a brand new Gullruten nomination for the best comedy series.

According to the figures obtained by the newspaper from The analyseavdeling, the first and second seasons of “King of the Gulset” have a snittseertall of 383,000 and 220,000 respectively. In short, a TV CV that many can only dream about, but not keep the notches on their belts.

This is nice, Jonis – an impersonal decision

Namely, series creator and comedian Jonis Joseph recently said that it was determined that hjertebarnet had been written off. The “King of Gulset” has been laid to rest, wrote VG at the beginning of May, and the NRK justified its decision, among other things, by saying that “the coronasituationen affects radio production and the possibilities we have”.

In the back sits a stunned and frustrated series that, in its contact with the PRC, had such high expectations to finish the project with the last season that the job was already set on time.

– The decision appears impersonal to me, and a little transparent. Somewhere up in the national system, a complex decision-making process. The decision ultimately falls on me, but I don’t understand who makes it and how it is made,” says Joseph.

Include user LydErrorAllerede plus? Log in to herError GOOD ISSUES: Standup comedian Jonis Joseph’s narrative voice and manussiden in “The King of Gulset.” It’s a good mood, our reviewer thinks. Video: NRK Show more – Everything looks strange

Despite the fact that the NRK got more feathers as a result of the series, Joseph created, he was not modest that this series was cut from one of the rikskringkasteren, but through the makers in the production company Kicks, which produces “King Gulset” for the NRK, he says.

– Did the project really set such a high price as they stated? It was of such high value to them that they made an impression? It all seems strange. I and others wondered if the same decision had been made if the decision-making had been more diverse,” says humoprofilen.

HOVEDROLLER: Abdikarim Mohamed Sheikh as “Jonis” and Oskar and Ruud as “Don Tommy”. Photo: NRK Show more An important interruption

Joseph eagerly awaited the next part. After two seasons, based on the 8th and 9th grade of Gulset High School, with a norsksomalisk identitetskamp and a lot of innocent children and ungdomsfrustrasjon, the way was opened for a more serious and important topic.

– Why did I stick to skei out when I was young? The third season would be about becoming an utskudd. From drunkenness and extravagance. We can read a lot about children and young people in the east of Oslo who are on an inclined plane. We would explain why this is happening, which is an important story for many,” says Josip for Novine.

PRINCIPAL: “On Again”-profile and comedian Bård Tufte Johansen plays the principal, and P3-host Martin Lepperød has the role of the discursive teacher Thor. Photo: NRK Show more – Strange coronabegrunnelse

– Is there a difference between the explanation that the PRC communicates to the outside and what you feel?

– Yes, there is a difference. The only thing I respect is that they have to release something to bet on new projects. I understand that, but it’s strange to blame the corona. The script for the third season was prepared to take into account smittevernseglene during filming,” says Joseph.

Redaksjonssjef for TV at NRK P3, Ingjerd Østrem Omland, “understands the disappointment of Joseph, very well,” she says. But they had to sort out their priorities.

“the King of Gulset” achieved the goals we set for ourselves and then it is easy to think that this automatically means you will get a new contract for the new season. We’ve done season-by-season deals here, and I don’t think the production company thinks this came completely out of the blue, P3-boss printer in email.

P3-BOSS – Ingjerd Østrem Omland. Photo: NRK See more Satisfied with the ratings

Østrem Omland says that the content of the NRK P3s “will be determined in dialogue with customers in strategidivisjonen.”

– What we decided to create is based on NRK’s ​​long-term strategy, P3’s strategy and the insight we have about our target group, she writes and adds that de-prioritizing the Joseph series was not easy.

– We can’t do everything and we have to arrange our priorities. Our advantage, and there will be a disadvantage, is that we have to prioritize very good projects. It is not funny to do priorities because it is always important to say goodbye to characters and series in which we were happy. But it is the way we can start new projects.

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– What specific goals, which you say are considered “achieved”, have been set by strategidivisjonen and P3 for “King of the Gulset”?

Above all, we are satisfied with the content itself! P3 aims to raise new talents, Jonis Joseph is one of them. We are also satisfied with the viewership and that many young people watched the series. We at P3 also aimed to create more humor, this also contributes to the “King of the Gulset” which we succeeded with, “explains Østrem Omland.

He thinks that it is natural that Jonis Joseph experienced a lot of internal praise with them.

– When something is good, we are obviously enthusiastic and very excited about it! I don’t think it’s right for the weather to brag about something that deserves bragging just because we don’t have an agreement on further seasons, like the P3 boss.

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to understand how the “strategidivisjonen” works and how the NRK decides what kind of content gets the green or red light, contact Novine with KANAL manager in the Strategy and mediedivisjon, Arne Helsingen.

– You will receive criticism that you were a little transparent in your decisions. Who decided it wasn’t “King of the Gulset” Season 3? Was that you?

– Who can do what is prioritized in the dialogue between the production department and us. We make formal orders based on what we have agreed. So, we want to ensure speed in development and good decisions. In this case, P3 is prioritized along with the book,” says Helsingen.

– Okay, but I still don’t know how this works?

– Strategy and mediedivisjonen have the responsibility to prepare the mediestrategier, and we set goals for them. For example, it can be reaching groups in the population, strengthening genres or focusing on platforms,” ​​explains Helsingen.

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Helsingen continues:

– The objectives of the PRC are set, put as the so-called The projects will then come back to us and together with the departments we will prioritize the titles we can commission within the financial constraints we have. “Strategy and medierdivisjonen are responsible for the entire offer, not for the same offer to be developed in several places,” says Helsingen.

Based on Jonis Joseph’s criticism, ask Dagbladet and Arne Helsingen and Ingjerd Østrem Omland several times about the following:

“Does the organisasjonsleddet that makes these decisions represent the diversity among the viewers to a sufficiently large degree?”

This does not reach the PRC-tops directly.

– Happy for the adventure

And if the Gullruten-nomination to recall home, harmless again reap the glory for Joseph’s ideas and intellectual work, but the comedian is aware of how much credit belongs.

– I can take credit for giving the series the green light. No more. At the same time, I am very grateful to P3 for the whole adventure, despite how it ended.

Dagbladet was in contact with the production company Kick in the context of this article. In a short comment, CEO Nils Stokke says that they understand the PRC’s decision.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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