The draft law research concerned the academic community

For researchers, Covid hasn’t made the government more sensitive to research problems. Researchers will soon be an “endangered species” as s

For researchers, Covid hasn’t made the government more sensitive to research problems.

Will researchers soon be an “endangered species” as some claim? The project of the multiannual research programming act (PBDA) was sent to all the representatives sitting in the National Council for Higher Education and Research (Cneser) and concerned.

The coordination of the FAC and laboratories in the fight, which since January has been one of the leaders of the mobilization against the future law on multi-annual research programming (PBDA) in preparation, met on March 5 with all unions of several thousand researchers and students, and demanded a long-term increase in the budget laboratories and institutions and the establishment of

“we need to take advantage of what happened to rethink, it is unfounded to talk about the law of multi-year programming for research after revealed failures”, writes Clara Biermann, who specifically mentions the insufficient funding of universities, the situation of temporary employees in precarious jobs, staff, students…

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The question of CDI’s scientific missions

With PBDA, the social partners see on the horizon the creation of employment on fixed-term contracts (“tenure track”) parallel to those in the public service, and contracts limited to the duration of the project. For the researchers, Covid has not made the government more willing to listen, “the elements that formed a broad consensus against them are still present in the project. Although this is not what our colleagues expect, much less what is needed for French research”, it is regrettable that announce Frank Loureiro, Deputy Secretary General of Sgen-CFDT.

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According to the bill, the government wants to offer contracts of three to six years, after which it is possible to hold office without going through the box of lecturer or scientific associate, notes the daily. Another controversial proposal is the creation of a permanent science mission, the purpose of which is to replace the CSD with a permanent contract that ends at the end of the project. An idea that does not go well with young scientists who would prefer to see an increase in the number of places, Release emphasizes.

by 2030 and an additional $5 billion per year, the government aims to generate €400 million in 2021. If the overall budget is adequate for the NMS-CFDT, “there would need to be at least double the first step for this to be roughly in line with what we are currently experiencing “, says Franck Loureiro. The crisis also highlighted the lack of permanent jobs for researchers, engineers and technicians, so the stability of teams is a guarantee of long-term and sustainable competence.

Date of update: June 8, 2020, 07:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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