The application StopCovid could be ready as early as this weekend

The Secretary of State for Digital Media, Cedric O, said the application of virus contact tracing could be used very soon, subject to av

The Secretary of State for Digital Media, Cedric O, said the case-tracing application could be used very soon, depending on the vote.

The StopCovid monitoring application, intended to identify the spread of the coronavirus, will be available as early as next weekend if parliamentarians approve it, said the State Secretary for Digital, Cedric O.

“Given the parliamentary vote, the app could be available in the Apple and Android app stores this weekend,” the latter said in Le Figaro on Tuesday. Until now, the goal was Tuesday, June 2. “It is the right time, because the French increasingly want to go out and find a social life. This tool is an additional insurance, while the epidemic is still there and can go away at any time,” explains the state secretary. .

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This application aims to allow each user to learn their contamination to prevent those that they have crossed in the previous two weeks, so that they can take their precautions. “In addition to covering cases of infection by “anonymous”, the application allows saving time, from 24 to 48 hours, to inform people that they have been in contact with a carrier of Covid-19″, says Cedric O.

Criticized in the ranks of the majority

A debate and vote on the matter is headed to the National Assembly and then the Senate this week. Under pressure from the opposition, the Government accepted this vote, but not as a mandatory one, as the application will be based on a voluntary declaration. And the state secretary assures us: “if the parliament was against the introduction of StopCovid, the application would not have been introduced”.

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The project has been widely criticized even in the majority due to the risks concerning the privacy of the users, even if it is presented as a derogation from the regulations on personal data. “There were a lot of valid questions, but the more we explain, the more reluctance will be reduced,” assured Cedric O, saying he did not believe in dividing the majority.

Date of update: 26 May 2020, 00:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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