You have 20/20 vision if you can spot the five golden fish among the sea life in less than 10 seconds

ONLY those with perfect eyesight can spot the five golden koi carp in this fiendish puzzle.

If you like brain teasers and are an animal lover, this is the illusion for you.

Can you find five goldfish in 10 seconds?


Can you find five goldfish in 10 seconds? Credit: Gambling Zone

Along with the satisfaction you’ll get after solving it, this puzzle will test your eye for detail and patience.

This nature-themed painting by Gambling Zone features three fishermen, two in boats, and a lake full of koi carp and other fish.

Koi are often recognized by the bright colors that can cover their body or appear in spots.

There are five completely goldfish in the puzzle – can you spot them?

The bright colors of the picture distract your eyes from the reds and oranges of some of the fish, the blue of the water and the green splashes from the boats and lilies.

Perhaps the easiest goldfish to spot is the one lying in the bucket behind the fisherman on deck.

Now you know what you’re looking for, can you see some more?

Another can be seen among the reeds at the far left of the picture.

A golden koi seems to enjoy being hidden while a third peeks out from under the lily pad at the top of the puzzle.

To spot the other two, you should focus on each of the ships.

One of the fish is just swimming in front of one of the ships with a face and a small fin sticking out of the bow.

Meanwhile, the second one is harder to spot because it is partially obscured by a fishing paddle in the upper right corner of the picture.

Scroll down to find out where all five goldfish are.

If you enjoyed that, why not try to spot five eight balls in under 15 seconds in this sports themed puzzle?

Or get into the Halloween spirit with this spooky illusion.

If you found all five fish in less than 10 seconds, you have fantastic eyesight


If you found all five fish in less than 10 seconds, you have a fantastic vision Merit: Gambling Zone

Categories: Optical Illusion

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