Coronavirus : bottles of hydroalcoholic gel to be ineffective recalled

On Monday, the DGCCRF recalled a number of hydroalcoholic gels due to too low a concentration of ethanol, which does not sufficiently protect against

On Monday, the DGCCRF recalled a number of hydroalcoholic gels due to too low a concentration of ethanol, which does not sufficiently protect against the virus.

The Directorate-General for Competition, Consumerism and Fraud Prevention (DGCCRF) launched this Monday a recall of the hydroalcoholic gel “Hand sanitizer”, commercialized by the brand Symex, reports Le Parisien.

It’s not good enough

In question, “the ethanol content is insufficient to ensure a real antiviral and antibacterial effect”, explains including the DGCCRF, which does not sufficiently protect against Covid-19. These bottles do not contain that 27% ethanol, while the National Drug and Health Products Safety Agency (MSNA) recommends a concentration between 60% and 70% to be effective.

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According to franceinfo, it is about the France Télévisions group, which alerted the DGCCRF after conducting an inspection of its employees. The regulatory body recommends that this product manufactured in Turkey and imported into the European Union by a Belgian company be discontinued and returned to the place of purchase.

Date of update: 22 May 2020, 01:59

Categories: Optical Illusion

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