Wormencompost: It was fun, the animals, and the manure's nutritional'

Compost is very good for soil in the garden and in containers. You can also have worms with composting, you bet. How do you do it and how useful is it? “t

Compost is very good for soil in the garden and in containers. You can also have worms with composting, you bet. How do you do it and how useful is it?

“they are not just animals, they are my employees,” laughs Kees Huijbregts, who works full-time, with worms, composting Stadswormerij. “They’re pretty animals, if you ask me. They’re sensitive to that. If you move suddenly and step, they give you a strange look.”

Worms really like organic waste. “They suck the microorganisms out of the fruit and the fruit from the inside,” says Huijbregts. “And then you throw it out. That results in a very nutrient-rich fertilizer. Moreover, the microorganisms, that’s better for your garden.”

Whether wormencompost is the best compost variety to use in your garden depends on the purpose of what you have,” says Emiel Elferink, professor of sustainable land management at the University of Applied Sciences van Hall Larenstein. “Wormencompost is good for fertilizer. There is indeed a lot of food due to the delivery of catering waste for processing. Coarse compost is useful for large areas of land.”

Three-part tower with worms, For wormencompost, you can be good on a small scale, in wormenbakken and wormentorens. How does it work? “The compost bin is a closed container in which the compost will be stored,” explains Huijbregts. “Vormentoren consists of three parts. Worms start at the bottom and go into the garbage that has been eaten to the top, you will have new garbage. That way you will get small amounts of compost, which you can store.”

Wormenhotels or towers can be bought in some shops or you can make them yourself. Online videos with tips and tricks.

“Worms eat half their weight in a day. Kees Huijbregts, will work with compost worms

If the worms are not typical earthworms, but compost worms,” ​​says Huijbregts, “they are red, mobile worms that come to the surface like. Earthworms prefer not to reach the top.” Huijbregts uses tijgerworm, that is, when compostwormensoort hears.

You can find this type in the forest or on the farm and find out,” he continues. They can also be used for automatic pile composting. Those who cannot find them can buy them from wormenkwekers.

“If you do it right, you don’t need new worms to find and/or buy,” laughs Huijbregts. “They are hermaphrodites and meet regularly in the hope bucket.”

See also: From compost pile to weeding machine: if composting with What do worms eat?

As for worms, you can make the most of fruit and vegetable peels, simply feed them in small, bite-sized pieces. “Please, not too much,” says Huijbregts. “There should be about a kilogram of worms in a 30 by 30 centimeter box, and I would have about half a kilogram of solid waste a day. Worms will eat half their weight per day.

How do worms like? “Coffee grounds. Be careful with citrus fruits and garlic, such as onions, leeks and garlic. Give it in moderation. Don’t eat vees or fish.

Cooked food is also not good for worms. “Our food is too salty. And it can be mushy, which is bad for the worms, because they can be a choking hazard. There’s a lot of oxygen in the compost pile. Is it too wet? Add some cardboard, paper, or garden waste. You can also make very good egg boxes to use.”

in addition, the faucet Huijbregts, that compostwormen do not tolerate frost well, can be. “And the eggs they lay can and must have some frost. If you have a garage or a shed? Put your wormentoren or tank in there when it freezes.”

Date of update: March 13, 2020, 7:00 p.m

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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