Resident Evil 7 survival guide: 13 tips to keep you ticking

Resident Evil 7 Beginners Guide re7 headerCapcom. Resident Evil 7 has a lot to fear. After all, if you’re not afraid of the immortal psycho-villager family, you’re probably a member of it. In that case, there is no need for a guide, you know exactly what you are doing. However, if you’re like most RE7 players and simply fall prey to an immortal psycho villager family, read on for the best ways to survive in the famously twisted Resident Evil 7.

Use your ears

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Resident Evil 7 picked up some tricks from other modern horror games, including the terrifying indie series, Amnesia. As in the Amnesia games, RE7 it features sequences where you are stalked by enemies you cannot defeat and your only hope is to hide from them and avoid them. Whenever this happens, turn up the volume. The best way to track your enemies is to listen for their footsteps and/or insane, murderous mutterings.

Check every angle

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Like the classic Resident Evil game, RE7 gives you limited resources to survive. For longtime fans, this will probably count among the game’s strengths — but it could be frustrating for modern RE fans, who might be used to the game’s faster pace. In this game, slow and steady wins the race: you really should take the time to comb through every terrifying inch of every new room you find. That is, when you are not followed by a murderous peasant.

Abuse your save

Previous Resident Evil games limited how many times you could save by requiring a special item to do so. That limit has been lifted, so go ahead and “save the scum” (saving and restarting frequently if you screw something up) all you want. This is especially useful for item hunting: save and reload multiple times to decide which containers to use your limited unlocks on, or use the “psychostimulants” item to reveal hidden item locations, note their locations, then reload and pick them up while saving the treasure tool to gather resources.

Use the map

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Like a true Resident Evil game, RE7 features several labyrinthine, confusing environments, including the sprawling bayou mansion at the heart of the game. Fortunately, the developers have included a handy map that you can access at the touch of a button. Even before you find a map of each area (don’t forget to keep searching!) the map will fill in on the fly, so it’s always helpful to be thorough.

Block sometimes

It may seem counterintuitive, but you shouldn’t always turn tail and run or desperately keep shooting when an enemy is bearing down on you or getting in your face. Sometimes the best option is to press the block button and raise your arms in defense. It’s not perfect – you’ll usually take some damage anyway – but it’s something.

Get a shotgun ASAP

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In the first really big area of ​​the game (unlocked after the fight in the garage) there is a shotgun in the main room. Picking it up will lock you in a room, but there is a way to get it before the next big boss fight. To get it, find the scorpion key, which you will find in the basement “processing room”, then go to the grandmother’s room, which is next to the rest room on the second floor. There, grab the broken shotgun and trade it for a working one to secure the weapon. Just don’t let Zombie Papa see you rummaging through Grandma’s unmentionables.

Close the door behind you

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Some enemies are too stupid to open doors (as the game itself will sometimes tell you on the loading screens). It doesn’t always work, but making a habit of closing the door behind you will at least make you feel safe, and sometimes that’s enough.

Take advantage of the storage option

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Most places where you can find a tape storage station will also have a large green box for storing items. Put everything you won’t use right away – from chemical fluid to foreign ammunition – into storage. When you run low, you can go back and restock (and save the game), but you’ll be out of luck if your inventory fills up in the middle of a boss fight, or if you can’t pick up a key item while creepy Colonel Sanders is hunting you.

Use what you have

Although Resident Evil 7’s ammo, health items, and other resources are limited, the game usually gives you enough to survive (at least on easy and normal difficulties). Don’t walk around covered in blood or reloading your previous save every time you miss a shot and waste a bullet; You’ll have plenty of supplies when you need them (ie leading up to the boss fight), and aside from the scum, any variable will detract from the fun.

Combine items

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Throughout Resident Evil 7 you will find items such as “chemical liquid” and “gunpowder”. You can combine them in your inventory to make bullets for your pistol. There are many combinations: Chem fluid and green herbs make first aid meds, and later you find a stronger chem fluid that can provide better first aid and bullets. There are many more combos after that (you can see the options on the “combine” tab in your inventory), so keep trying new things as you go.

Storage of “ancient coins”

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The antique coins you find lying around seem pointless for the first few hours, but once you escape the main house and enter the courtyard, you’ll want as many of them as you can find. Grab as many as you can find and put them in storage.

Take care of your steroids

If you happen to find some steroids on this hellish journey, you can use them for a permanent health boost (don’t overthink it). However, using steroids will also heal you, so don’t use them right away if you’re full of health when you find them; Save the steroids for a pinch and save a healthy tonic in the process.

Keep your friends close

Resident Evil 7 is gloriously scary at times, but the developers also seem to know when not to take it too seriously. Either way, taking a friend along for the ride can make the moments when you jump out of your seat a little funny and the moments when you laugh even funnier.

Editor’s recommendations

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