The best Sea of Thieves Easter eggs and secrets

Rare Sea of ​​thieves is one of the most consistently beautiful games we’ve ever played, with gorgeous, tropical scenery at every turn. Besides being generally fun and colorful to look at, the world is full of little secrets and easter eggs for eagle-eyed gamers. Many of these are made by the developers to honor players and community members for particularly memorable deeds or contributions. We scoured the sea to capture some of our favourites.

Further reading

First Dead Player (Ferry of the Damned)

Will Fulton

The first player to die and be transported to the Ferry of the Damned when the feature was implemented in Alpha, hallover1980, has his name carved into the ship to the right of the door back to the realm of the living (although the year is rendered in Roman numerals).

First death by falling (Shipwreck Bay)

Will Fulton

IOnEI_Falcon was the first pirate to plunge to his death when fall damage was added, so the developers marked the spot with skeletal legs sticking out of the ground and their name carved into the stone behind them.

Skeleton of a Prolific Writer (Golden Sands Outpost)

Will Fulton

Player Diamyo Dorima was an early member of the community who apparently gave comprehensive notes to the developers, so they are treated to a skeleton writing on a long scroll, sitting by the water tower at the Golden Sands Outpost.

Stranded Skeleton (Mermaid’s Hideout)

Will Fulton

At Mermaid’s Hideaway Beach, a skeleton crawled out of the water and clung to a rock carved with their name, ArchAngel-Aeon. Apparently, ArchAngel spent more time swimming than any other player during a single technical alpha session.

Griffin McElroy Skeleton (Marauder’s Arch)

Polygon writer (and cute little brother) Griffin McElroy took one for the team at E3 2016 when, after Microsoft’s press conference, he ate an unpeeled banana, just like the pirate in the game. His bravery is commemorated by the skeleton of a man who died eating bananas on the beach at Marauder’s Arch.

Skeleton located in a rock (Robbery station)

Will Fulton

The skeleton of player Deadsniper15915 can be found perched on a rock behind the Plunder Outpost. It’s in the middle of the top of the tower on the east side, and the only way to get up there is by firing the cannon. We don’t know what exactly it is marking.

Mind in the head (outpost of the ancient tower)

Will Fulton

There is a sign above the tavern door at the Ancient Spire Outpost that reads “LindsayElyse Watch your head.” It is there in honor of a a moment to remember from her Twitch stream when she fired her ship’s cannon to land right on the door, where she took a celebratory sip.

Tay Doge Swift (Mermaid’s Hideway)

Will Fulton

Leaning against a rock in Mermaid’s Hideaway, the inscription “Tay Doge Swift”, along with a picture of a dog and a concertina. They were clearly beloved and well-known early members of the game’s community.

Fizzy Foxy the pirate killer

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In Dagger Tooth, you can look around the inn and find the wanted mail for the “infamous pirate killer” Fizzy Fox. Fox was the deadliest pirate in the tech alpha session, managing to kill 37 other pirates before the session ended.

A place to drink

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Head to the Drought Rat Tavern in Plunder Outpost and you can see a special plaque in the bar dedicated to ZZ-De-Tox-ZZ for “drinking place”. This is a bit more nebulous, but it looks like De-Tox was the player in Tech Alpha who drank the most grog. We guess they were miles ahead of the competition.

Tribute to TheAaronLeigh

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Although a bit more hidden than most, you can visit Cannon Cove and find a cave in the center of the island. In this case, there is a barrel with a dagger stuck in it and a message carved into the top that says “TheAaronLeigh”. This was previously marked by Pikarroon, the fan who designed the 3D printed Sea of ​​Thieves coin shown at SDCC 2016.

Missing Jaq

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Towards the middle of Lone Cove is a poster taped up for placement with a sketch of a pirate named Captain Jaq with the words “Missing.” This refers to CaptnJaq, a popular member of the SoT community who stopped playing for a short time and accidentally caused an infamous ruckus.

Pew Pew

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Sail to the Dagger Tooth outpost and check out the weapon shop. Ahead you should see the wanted poster for Musicmee, who just couldn’t help but say “Pew, pew!” when they shoot a gun. It’s a reference to the player Musicmee, who created the popular requested message generator for fans.

Zoream’s club

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If you want to join the secret club, find your way to the Siren’s hideout. There you’ll find a wooden balcony and a sign advertising “Zoream’s Infamous Pirate Club.” This place offers a fantastic view of the sea, and was created for Zoeam, the favorite moderator of the Xbox club Sea of ​​​​Thieves, which you can actually join.

Underwater Ruins (Unexplored Islands)

Will Fulton

Will Fulton

Will Fulton

Will Fulton

You have to be knowledgeable to find a few secret islands because they don’t appear on any nautical charts. The ones we know about can be found at coordinates L14, S16 and N10. All three islands feature shipwrecks and ancient ruins that look vaguely South American or Central American. At S16, if you follow the cave tunnel through the underwater arch, you come to a cave chamber with a statue/altar. The way this feature is designed, we’re pretty sure it will be incorporated into the Pirate Legends element in the end game.

Kraken Skeletons (Unknown Island, Robber’s Arch)

Will Fulton

Will Fulton

The fearsome Kraken can attack randomly whenever you are sailing with a full crew. Even if the creature doesn’t attack you, you’ll be able to find several Kraken skeletons as you play. So far, we’ve spotted two terrifying monsters: one on the beach in Marauder’s Arch, and the other deep in an underwater chasm, not far from the uncharted islands at L14.

We’ll continue to update our list of Sea of ​​Thieves Easter Eggs and must-see sights as we discover and hear more. Stay with us!

Editor’s recommendations

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