Pleasant peasant protest in The Hague, the ending is still just as delusional

The Dutch government’s Boerenprotestactie at the Dutch government’s aggrobeleid in The Hague on Wednesday, a bit grim at the end. The police, hundreds of farmers, when,

The Dutch government’s Boerenprotestactie at the Dutch government’s aggrobeleid in The Hague on Wednesday, a bit grim at the end. The police, hundreds of farmers, when, after the end of the protest in The Hague’s most charming place, Minister Carola Schouten in the Department of Land wanted to launch a “campaign”.

The organizer, the Farmers’ Defense Force, was before both Rowlands and Prime Minister Mark Rutte were called to give a detailed explanation, but as expected, they did not turn up.

“If Rowlands is not for us, then we will see her again,” said FDF president Mark of Bank at the end of the demonstration. Then he asked if there used to be a PDF label to pick up the stage together at the prosecutor’s office, about 300 meters away, and run away.

officers of Mobile Unit (ME), Ohio, however, is that he got so far and had a crowd in the middle. It was a catastrophic situation, and the farmers chanted “peasants and heavy workers”. After that, both MENI, as a PDF activist, demanded that the matter not escalate, and then they put everyone back on his or her tractor, then home.

dear ME, hundreds of farmers are at the crossroads, just in front of the prosecutor’s office. (Photo by Lennart to the heart).

Allegedly, several thousand rural farmers

on the order of several thousand peasants, there were fewer protesters than during the previous boerenprotesten. The organization was intended for about twenty thousand farmers, ten thousand of whom could reach the West with a tractor.

PDF-to spokesman Jeroen van Maanen said, after the end of the “perfect demonstration”. According to him, there is little or no harassment, and the citizens were disturbed as little as possible.

in the statement, zaggenbeleid be unreasonably difficult for farmers to implement, it is according to the type of good to come across. “Furthermore, we have successfully drawn attention to the new zijgenberekening that can be seen in the Zuivelfonds, which will be published tomorrow (Thursday, ed.)”.

farmers sell their tractors around the stage in the park position. (Photo: Pro-Shots).

PDF allows farmers to choose between CDA and Forum,

Various speakers from the agricultural sector, as well as world politics, participated in the official program, called Five to Twelve. He regularly responded to the shouts of the crowd, or to the honking of a tractor rushing along the edge of the field, lined up in a column.

The PDF is that the politicians were invited by the Christian Democrats and the Forum for Democracy and Human Rights (FVD). In other words, ‘the old and asked the question’, and maybe the ‘new peasants’, and they wanted the organization to clarify it. Thierry Baudet and Theo Hiddema were on behalf of the FVD.

“Our prince carnival, “Geert Wilders”, was, according to Van Maanen, “also, it makes sense to be on stage, jumping up and down”, but with the RIGHT leader, he was not invited to attend. “Leave him , for the first time , but what better place to go and farm,” he cried.

The Hague, are now used on tractors to their country. (Photo: Pro-Shots).

Tractors were such as naming, you will arrive at PDF is used pre-assigned to get there. Most people put on their machines except that you will reach, or near, asphalt, and greenery.

The maneuver of the leaders in a small area ensured that situation as well, but it went smoothly. As a vehicle on the tramway, he was a tram driver for a while.

The first farmers arrived on the field on Wednesday in the early hours of the morning in the City. The police told the FDF that farmers with tractors are allowed to drive on the highway, and for this reason the route is mainly on the B-road.

Otherwise, let the farmers it is already Tuesday evening, but let’s see in an impromptu battle, any time, that the entrance to the inner courtyard of the block. Riots are not.

farmers were present early Wednesday morning in The Hague, Netherlands.

Updated date: February 19, 2020, 6:01 p.m

Categories: Optical Illusion

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