Genius IQ Test: Find the mistake in the picture in 7 seconds!

Brain teasers test the reader’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills by challenging them to solve a problem. These challenges can increase intelligence and improve concentration.

A brain teaser challenge mainly involves solving a puzzle, cracking a code, finding a hidden object/bug or spotting a mistake in a picture.

Practicing such challenges regularly helps improve problem-solving skills and also provides healthy exercise for the brain.

Are you someone with high intelligence?

Try this challenge and find out now!

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Genius IQ Test: Find the mistake in the picture in 7 seconds


Source: YouTube

In the picture above, readers can see a lady enjoying her dinner.

There is one mistake in the picture and readers need to find it in 7 seconds.

This brain teaser will test your visual and logical thinking skills.

Your time starts now!

Look at the picture and study it carefully.

Did you spot the mistake?

Harry up; time is running out.

Study the picture carefully; you may be very close to spotting a mistake.


Time is up.

Congratulations to the attentive readers who spotted the error.

Those who couldn’t can scroll down for the solution.

Also read:

Only the smartest people can spot the P among the R in the picture in 5 seconds!

Find the error in 7 seconds: the solution

The mistake in the picture is that the lady is eating the soup with a fork.


If you enjoyed solving this puzzle, share it with your friends and family and see who is the best.

Also, check out some more cool challenges in our recommended reading section below.

Recommended reading

Genius IQ Test: Find the right shadow in 6 seconds!

Test the sharpness of your eyes by spotting the fox in the picture in 5 seconds!

Categories: Optical Illusion

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