Rey’s Greatest Secret Could Undermine Her New Jedi Order


  • Rey’s true identity as Palpatine threatens to damage her credibility and trust as she attempts to rebuild the Jedi Order.
  • Keeping her identity a secret seems understandable, but if revealed it could hurt her chances of success and destroy the Jedi Order.
  • It might be difficult for the galaxy to accept Palpatine as a hero and leader, which could lead to fear and rejection of the Force.

Rey’s biggest secret could derail her upcoming attempt to rebuild the Jedi Order Star Wars: The New Jedi Order Movie. Star Wars: The New Jedi Order Takes place 15 years after the incident Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker and depicts Rey Skywalker’s vision and plan to rebuild the Jedi Order.While Rey may succeed in finding new Force-sensitives, or those willing to dedicate their lives to unlocking this connection like Sabine Wren Ahsokarebuilding the Jedi Order may also pose greater challenges than just finding potential students.

one Star Wars fan account An interesting hypothesis is raised: What would happen if the galaxy discovered Rey’s true legacy?

While the original poster was talking about their personal desires new jedi order In the movie, the scene they imagined does bring up an important point. After everything that had happened to the Empire and the First Order, why would the galaxy trust someone with such a close (albeit reluctant) connection to the Empire’s evil legacy to rebuild the Jedi Order and protect them?

Rey secretly learns her true identity

Few people know Rey’s true lineage and her relationship to Emperor Palpatine. Kylo Ren told her the truth before returning to the light and sacrificing himself to save her, and Rey’s mentors Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa eventually figured it out. Presumably, some of Rey’s closest confidants eventually realized this, such as Finn and Poe Dameron. But why should anyone outside of Rey’s immediate circle know her true identity?

Rey was instrumental in defeating Palpatine’s clones and his secret First Order fleet on Exegol, but many who attended the battle that day were skeptical of Rey’s role in the complete defeat of the First Order. The character knows nothing about it. The civilians taking part in the fighting are on ships above Earth and will not understand the darker side of the conflict. Rey’s lineage is something she can share, and while it’s completely understandable not to acknowledge the truth of her family’s lineage to the rest of the galaxy, it could end up being forced out and further hurt her chances of success.

Will the galaxy accept Palpatine as a hero?

Exegol and Palpatine in the throne room in The Rise of Rey Skywalker in Return of the Jedi

Rey is forced to choose between keeping her identity secret or telling the entire galaxy, which will be like another Star Wars story plot.In a novel by Claudia Gray Star Wars: Bloodlinesoccurs after the original event Star Wars In the film trilogy, Leia Organa’s true parentage is revealed in an attempt to undermine her authority in the New Republic Senate. As the daughter of Emperor Palpatine’s right-hand man and galactic terrorist Darth Vader, Leia’s integrity was called into question, essentially destroying her political career. While she never stopped fighting for the galaxy, as evidenced by her role as leader of the Resistance, Leia’s life was forever changed when her secret was exposed.

Star Wars: Bloodlines Set 25 years later Return of the Jedi The incident occurred six years ago Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

If the government of the day was so quick to denounce Leia as Darth Vader’s daughter, how will the next generation react when they find out Rey is a Palpatine? While Darth Vader had his own horrific legacy, every moment of oppression and brutality that occurred in the galaxy after the rise of the Empire was a direct result of Palpatine’s plans and rules. Palpatine’s legacy is also more widely known than Vader’s – and his relationship with him is even worse.

If Rey keeps this secret, it could destroy the Jedi

Rey from Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Rey from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, with the Jedi Order logo in the middle.

Rey will face a difficult choice new jedi order Movie. She could decide to keep it a secret and hope that no one but those she trusted would discover the truth, or she could tell the galaxy the truth and hope that her honesty would make those in charge and the inhabitants of the galaxy feel that they could trust her. However, if her secrets are revealed and her history is twisted through lies and fear, it could destroy her chances of rebuilding the Jedi Order.

Those aligned with the light side of the Force may not want to study under someone so closely associated with the Sith. And if the Jedi Order is to once again become a beacon of hope for the galaxy, those it is supposed to protect may find it difficult to accept Rey as its leader. As the original post on Twitter theorized, this could make people worry about the power of the Force altogether. It’s not that they don’t believe in the Force, but they may shy away from it – forcing Rey and others like her to live in fear.Don’t know much about it Star Wars: The New Jedi Order However, this is all just speculation – but Rey’s secret being part of the narrative would make for compelling storytelling.

source: Brom Titus

  • Star Wars 10 Poster Star Wars: The New Jedi Order

    Director: Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy

    Starring: Daisy Ridley

    Rating: Not yet rated

    Genre: Fantasy

    Screenwriter: Steven Knight

    Studio: Lucasfilm

    Publisher: Disney

    Prequels: Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars 6 – Return of the Jedi, Star Wars 7 – The Force Awakens, Star Wars 8 – The Last Jedi, Star Wars 9 – The Rise of Skywalker

    Series: Star Wars

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