Soccer Stars Love Snus

Swedish snus is all over the place at the moment and it only seems to be growing in popularity

Swedish snus is all over the place at the moment and it only seems to be growing in popularity. Originating in Sweden, the tobacco product was popularized by the Swedes and is now finding its way beyond that country’s shores and seems poised for world domination. Famous celebrities such as Ashton Kutcher have been spotted using the product, but the biggest use is among football stars. They seem to love tobacco, and many players around the world have been photographed using it time and time again. Those little pots of flavored tobacco seem to have taken the football world by storm.

Soccer players and Snus

It was the Swedish football stars who started the trend of using snus. Every day there were pictures of players like Victor Nilsson Lindelöf using his favorite snus product, Göteborgs Rapé, a flavor that can be bought at Snus Direct. Swedish players using the product have claimed that it gives them clarity when it comes to playing the game. The tobacco hit, they claimed, helped them focus even more and made them more alert during games. These claims have led many to question whether snus should actually be banned among gamers due to the unfair benefits it provides. It seems that in the meantime, snus has definitely cemented its place among the greatest football players. It has definitely found its way into English football, with stars such as Manchester United’s Victor Lindelof and Leicester’s Jamie Vardy openly showing their love for the product.

What exactly is snus?

Snus is considered an alternative to smoking. It is known to provide a nicotine hit even greater than what can be enjoyed through a cigarette, but without the health complications that smoking is known to exacerbate. Snus is sold in small containers, and it can also be obtained already portioned. Consumers simply need to place the tobacco under the upper lip, inside the mouth to enjoy the nicotine hit. The product is even flavored so that consumers can enjoy a pleasant experience instead of being stuck with a tobacco flavor that is known to be unpleasant. With flavors such as berry, eucalyptus or licorice, there’s plenty to choose from. Snus can be left under the lips until the users finish, there is no need to spit it out, unlike American chewing tobacco. Since spitting can look unsightly, snus is definitely aimed more at the more polite market.

Is it legal?

Snus is not illegal to use in the UK. It is also perfectly fine for soccer players to use during matches. There are questions about whether players should be able to use it, given that many feel it gives them a direct advantage over those who don’t, but for now, players are free to use it as they see fit. Whether that will change in the future remains to be seen, but we’re sure that snus will only continue to grow in popularity unless something drastic happens in the world of football.

Date of update: June 10, 2019, 12:30 p.m

Categories: Optical Illusion

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