Glass carafes to clean: With this Trick you have to scrub ever again

Glass jugs attract attention on the dining table and fit perfectly into the Trend. Scale deposits and complicates cleaning. The trick is making it easier. glasses

Glass jugs attract attention on the dining table and fit perfectly into the Trend. Scale deposits and complicates cleaning. The trick is making it easier.

glass jugs are in fashion, as seen on Instagram & co. proves. It’s no wonder that finally drinks like water, juices or wine can be beautifully presented and the glass is always filled quickly.

cleaning glass decanters: scale and dirt

However, after the pleasure of drinking while waving dishes, you can drink it in glass jugs. Scale deposits and contamination are, in fact, persistent in drinking vessels. Due to their narrow neck and long shape, you can clean glass jugs.

see the height for you in this Instagram post

A post shared by cherry muffin (@cherrymuffin84) on Aug 5, 2017 at 4:07pm PDT

also read: These home remedies will make your coffee pot empty again.

Two home remedies can help, glass jugs clean again

But instead of dealing with the cumbersome washing of brushes around the zuärgern,. promise, two proven home remedies for quick cleaning success: vinegar and baking soda or baking powder Pour half a cup of apple cider vinegar and a packet of baking powder or baking soda into a glass pitcher. In a small bowl with hot water for about 15-20 minutes.

After that, rinse the glass jug with fresh, cold water and the glass shines again in a new shine!

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vinegar and vinegar essence popular house means to Clean. For what you can use this universal medium that is still in the household, read here. And also baking soda is considered a real miracle cure in the kitchen, bathroom, etc., where soda can be used everywhere, you can find it here.


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Date of update: 13 January 2019, 00:01

Categories: Optical Illusion

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