You have 20/20 vision if you can spot the butterfly hiding in picturesque park in just 10 seconds

YOU MAY have the eyes of a hawk if you can spot the elusive butterfly in this peaceful garden scene.

Hidden among the bushes, trees and a small pond is a tiny butterfly, but the challenge is even more difficult because you only have 10 seconds to spot it.

Do you see a butterfly?


Do you see a butterfly? Credit: Not known, clear with picture table
Here's a different color scheme - can you spot it?


There’s a different color scheme here – can you spot it? Credits: Not known, clear with picture table

But believe it or not, there is a butterfly hidden somewhere in the optical illusion.

Are you ready to look around and find it? Your time starts now.

In the meantime, why not bookmark some of our other difficult optical illusions to do later?

Why not see if you can find the owl in the forest within five seconds.

If you don’t have enough, try to find the two hidden pictures in this optical illusion – you only have 10 seconds to find them both.

Or if you have a keen eye for detail, try your hand at spotting the differences between these giraffes.

And this optical illusion will reveal whether you are too much of a people pleaser or a love drama…

Time is up! Did you find the butterfly in less than ten seconds?

Don’t worry, because we have put the answer for you below.

Take a closer look at the stone steps laid across the picturesque pond.

Do you see the lilies? Look a little closer – you can see a butterfly resting on one in the lower left corner.

The butterfly was well camouflaged


The butterfly was well camouflagedCredits: Not known, clear with picture table

Categories: Optical Illusion

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