Romania has a car industry? No, but it does make the humongous Ghe-O Rescue truck

It’s a jeep; it is H1; it’s a tank! No, it’s a crazy Romanian truck and – it’s here to help.

Built in the former Soviet bloc, the Ghe-O Rescue is one of the craziest – and scariest – things on four wheels.

At 17 feet long and nearly nine feet wide, this thing is a monster that can cross rivers, cut through snow, and generally tread right up the curb, the worst Mother Nature has to offer. Despite the rough dimensions of a freight train, the Rescue weighs only 6,400 pounds.

I know that sounds like a lot, but my editor, Nick Jaynes, owns a Land Cruiser that weighs 6,500 pounds—and it’s not even an all-terrain rescue vehicle. Listen carefully and you might just hear the sound of Nick crying over a pile of gas bills.

Speaking of fuel economy, I guess the Rescue doesn’t have much to beat in that department. The customer can specify any number of engines: from a 500-horsepower gas engine to a 304-horsepower diesel. As you’d expect from a purpose-built SUV, you can also get the engines waterproof.

In most cars, extras are things like floor mats or maybe a roof rack. In Rescue, things are a little worse. How about tank treads when things get extra slippery? Or how about some balloon tire accessories to make this behemoth crash gracefully over the top of the snow? Ghe-O has you covered.

And just to make things interesting, Ghe-O says he can make the plant immune to electromagnetic pulses—you know—the kind that come from atomic bombs.

So why did Ghe-O build such a crazy truck? Probably because Ceausescu’s communist regime forgot to build roads in most of Romania before they left. To be fair, they were focused on building the largest palace in the Western world – you know, for the people. These funding priorities mean this largely rural country needs emergency vehicles that can navigate snow, rivers, mudslides and vampire-infested mountains.

It’s a shame that such vehicles are needed, but I’m glad they exist. It might even take over the top spot on my zombie apocalypse vehicle list.

Categories: GAMING

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