Broken joints and fatty liver: fat kids have cells similar infirmities as that of older adults

Some of the extremely obese children and young people already have thickening of the heart muscle or other symptoms that are normally only found at the age of 50

Some of the extremely obese children and young people already have thickening of the heart muscle or other symptoms that are normally only seen at the age of 50. It is for this age group that there are gaps in treatment, warns doctor Martin Wabitsch, president of the annual meeting of the German obesity society in Wiesbaden. “Both the knee joint and the hip show early signs of wear and tear,” says the doctor.

Also, fatty liver, or fatty degeneration of the pancreas “as in adult patients over 50 or 60 years of age,” was found in young patients. “Early ill, and often insufficiently treated, because children and young people, doctors, for example, rarely, medicine to lower blood pressure,” said Wabitsch. “It is often overlooked for years.”

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“In addition, overweight and obesity with high blood pressure,” added Wabitsch. Even in childhood, people would be stigmatized by being overweight. In this case, the body weight was created in early childhood, first genetically, and then I will be affected by the food supply.

According to a study by the Robert Koch-Institute for Child and Youth Health in Germany, about 26 percent of five – are overweight – to seventeen-year-olds in Germany, about 9 percent are affected by obesity, and therefore extreme obesity.

Those who already have a body mass index of more than 30 at a young age are medically difficult to reach, Wabitsch warned. “Only a small percentage actively seek treatment.” When young people come to Milosbet diet programs with a frustrating result, “this all comes to nothing”, they no longer go to the doctor often.

fat parents, fat children

“Especially those who were obese at an early age, have much worse cards,” says Wabitsch. “Our data show us that young people with extreme obesity can lose weight with conventional programs and behavioral therapy.” This is where children and young people make mistakes because of guilt for their condition because: “It’s not the children’s fault, but biology and living conditions.” Often obese children of obese parents knew little about healthy eating.

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Wabitsch three options: Either accept the condition of weight and pay attention to the preventive treatment of diabetes, control of blood pressure and similar measures are provided for the growing group of extremely obese children and adolescents. “This is not the optimal way, but it is more realistic,” he said. A further possibility is inpatient long-term therapy over several months. It is about a change of lifestyle and a very rigorous training program. “Only a fraction of young people will be able to maintain a significantly reduced weight,” said Wabitsch. On the other hand, bariatric surgery comes as a third option that is out of the question.

ikr / DPA Updated date: November 10, 2018, 8:01 p.m

Categories: Optical Illusion

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