Chicago PD: 10 Facts You Didn’t Know About Antonio Dawson

Played by the talented Jon Seda, Antonio Dawson is one of the main characters chicago police department. He is big fire in chicagoGabby Dawson is a born leader, time and time again demonstrating his courage in his chosen profession.

He takes pride in his work and has been involved in a number of high-profile cases, including drug trafficking and criminal arrests. Here are 10 things die-hard fans may not know chicago police department Antonio Dawson:

he is a person who sticks to honesty

Antonio believes in following the rules. This is shown time and time again in the show’s story, most notably in his dealings with Sergeant Hank Voight.

In the episode, Sergeant Voigt doesn’t always want to behave properly, and Antonio has a problem with that. This behavior shows that he is a character of integrity and honor.

He is a loyal family man

Antonio was not only a brilliant officer in the career he had chosen. The beginning of the series shows that he is also capable of being a devoted family man, as he has a close relationship with his wife and children.

His wife is a baker and his children, Eva and Diego, help him run the family business. In the early seasons of the series, this love for family made him particularly popular with audiences, who liked a man who could roll up his sleeves and devote himself to his professional duties while still have time for family.

He has an uncompromising attitude towards Gradishar

Early in his career, Antonio had a partner named Sean Patterson. Sean mistakenly asked for excessive overtime pay, which resulted in him being fired by Gradishar of the Home Office and his pension denied.

As a result, he committed suicide, leaving behind his wife and children. It’s a huge loss for Antonio, who will never forgive Gladisa for being so cruel to Sean, embarrassing him, and ultimately taking her own life.

he was disgraced

Fans love Antonio’s generous heart and desire for honesty in various situations. Therefore, the audience was extremely suspicious of the news that he was divorced. In season 2 it was announced that things were not going well with his wife and Laura and they decided to get a divorce.

However, all is not lost for Antonio and he gets joint custody of the children. Fans secretly hope the couple gets back together. Antonio is definitely a great man, a husband and a father, especially in the eyes of his fans.

He has substance addiction problem

Antonio suffered a shoulder injury in Season 6 and needed pain medication. Sadly, he became addicted to painkillers and as a result many other problems arose.

To get off the pain medication, he was admitted to a rehabilitation center on Voight’s advice and began the difficult road of recovery. Before entering school, he left his badge in his office. Later chosen by Adam Ruzek.

A new job is coming

Having a kind heart means that Antonio is often overly sensitive to pressing issues and deeply affected by the crimes and injustices he has witnessed. Throughout season 4, he can be heard saying that there is too much going on around him.

He eventually left the intelligence agency, which landed him in the state attorney general’s office as the principal investigator. The reason he left the intelligence agency: more time with his children and a higher salary.

he has courage inside

When it comes to times of crisis, Antonio has a natural tendency toward integrity and courage. The plot reveals that during a gunfight, Antonia (then a patrol officer) managed to pull Trudy Pratt to safety, pulling her out of the way.

This is an act of impulsive heroism, and this “subconscious” heroism proves the worth of Antonio’s character. In a similar encounter, Antonio also broke his jaw while interrogating the opposition. He left the scene with a broken jaw and a lot of fame.

he is a born leader

While Sergeant Voight is under investigation, Antonio is put in charge of the entire intelligence agency. By this stage, he was back in the unit, leaving the state attorney’s office to conduct a “long and tedious investigation.”

The decision to put him in charge shows that others see him as a born leader and that he is highly respected in his profession. The series won’t be long before his leadership falters, but at this point in the show, getting the green light to take the helm from Voight is a feather in Antonio’s hat.

he follows his principles

When Antonio had to answer to the police department about Sergeant Voight’s actions, he answered honestly. In the process, he neither protects Sergeant Voigt nor helps clear his name. Not everyone involved celebrates this fact. Ruzek was angry and rebelled against Antonio’s leadership.

As a result, things escalated and the two ended the fight, which was so bad that they had to separate for the fighting to stop. Antonio was placed in the “blame chair” for Ruzek’s actions, even though he was right to answer honestly in Sgt. The case of Voigt.

he is loyal

Antonio was a great friend on his team, and he showed this loyalty when he helped his friend Matthew Casey talk to the clinic head to find more information about the suspicious circumstances that led to his death. Matthew’s fiance, Hallie.

Halle died in hospital from her injuries after a fire broke out at the clinic where she worked. Antonio helps him investigate the situation surrounding the fire, demonstrating his loyalty to his friend.

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