Joel Greenberg Was Sentenced To 11 years In Prison For Child Trafficking

Joel Greenberg, a former tax collector from Florida, was sentenced to 11 years in prison for child trafficking. He also faces multiple additional federal charges. Joel Greenberg pleaded guilty to multiple felonies in May 2021, including child trafficking, stalking, identity theft, etc. For his crimes, a sentence of approximately 27 years in prison was imposed, which was later reduced. down to 11 years in prison. Congressman Matt Gaetz’s running mate is Joel Greenberg. Greenberg agreed to participate in the FBI’s investigation into the congresswoman.

Matt Gaetz’s former longtime associate, Joel Greenberg, was sentenced to 11 years in prison for sex trafficking of a minor and other charges.

– MeidasTouch (@MeidasTouch) December 1, 2022

Joel Greenberg was initially charged with about 33 federal crimes.

In 2021, Congressman Matt Gaetz (39) is said to have faced investigation for allegedly having sex with a child (a 17-year-old girl). According to ABC News, Gaetz met the girl through Greenberg. The investigation began in the final months of Trump’s presidency.

Gaetz’s investigation, according to police, was part of a larger investigation into Joel Greenberg, who was charged with child trafficking at the time. At the time, Greenberg and Gaetz were good friends. Congressman Matt Gaetz denied any wrongdoing and said in an interview:

“I just know it has to do with women.” I suspect that someone is trying to reclassify my kindness to my ex-girlfriend into something more sinister.”

Joel Greenberg

In fact, he added:

“When I learned of some of Greenberg’s misconduct, I deeply regretted linking up with him.” I feel it is fair that the people of Northwest Florida judge me based on my relationships and I deeply regret my political, social and other relationships with Joel Greenberg .”

Greenberg has come to prominence in this investigation. He continued:

“Nothing justifies what I did. My behavior was disgusting. “I’m sorry for what I did.”

Greenberg was initially charged with about 33 federal misdemeanors. In May of last year, he pleaded guilty to six of them. Greenberg pleaded guilty to stalking, identity theft, fraud, conspiracy to bribe a public official and one count of child trafficking, among other charges. Matt Gaetz has always maintained his innocence. He said in an interview with Fox News:

“I continue to maintain my chastity.”

On December 1, 2022, Greenberg was sentenced to 11 years in prison in Florida after participating in the investigation of Congressman Matt Gaetz.

Prosecutors stated:

“It seems that the best way to protect the public from Greenberg and prevent future offense is to leave him in jail.” This not only prevents Greenberg from continuing to commit crimes, but also sends a message to others that public officials are not above the law.”

The judge said he had not seen a case like this in 22 years.

The Gaetz investigation and investigation has now been put on hold, with authorities paying more attention to key witnesses in the case, especially Joel Greenberg. Greenberg was charged with fraud in 2020. He is accused of defrauding the Seminole County IRS of thousands of dollars. He was also found to be active on a website that describes himself as a “sugar daddy” using the office’s credit card.

Greenberg was convicted by Judge Presnell, who stated:

“In 22 years, I’ve never seen anything like this.” I have never seen a defendant commit so many different crimes in such a short period of time.”

Joel Greenberg

Then he said:

“We have no related violations.” There is no precedence for the various offenses to which Greenberg pleaded guilty.”

Greenberg’s attorney, Fritz Scheller, expressed concern about the administration’s failure to take action against those Greenberg had prosecuted as part of his cooperation. The lawyer said:

“If the government cares about such deterrence, why don’t they prosecute others, including celebrities, who are also complicit in Greenberg’s crimes?” Perhaps the DOJ is a brilliant tactician beyond the capabilities of the undersigned. Or maybe the DOJ is like Nero, fumbling while Rome burns.”

According to Scheller, Greenberg’s help has led to a number of arrests and prosecutions, mainly in child trafficking cases. Joel Greenberg is believed to have contacts with a number of Florida politicians, though they have yet to be revealed or named. According to an investigation by the Orlando Sentinel in 2019, Joel spent about $3.5 million on salaries for friends and colleagues, weapons, bulletproof vests and other items. He is also said to have given $644,000 to his godfathers and spent a total of $677,000 on a campaign consultant.

Police also discovered many fake identification documents at Joel’s residence. Before being charged with child trafficking in August, he was found guilty of spying on a political opponent who was a teacher. He allegedly also accused them of sexual misconduct. Greenberg’s entire taxpayer tenure was marked by a scandal. Joel Greenberg was charged with a number of misdemeanors, from allowing an office worker to carry a gun to using his badge as a shield for law enforcement and overtaking a vehicle for speeding. .

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