15 Best Movies About Magic Ever Made

Magic, sorcery, and illusion pop up most often in fairy tales and family movies, but that’s not necessarily always the case. It’s true that films broaching these subjects rarely attain more than a PG-13 rating, but magic pertains to much more than just Mary Poppins.

From the absolute awe of Studio Ghibli productions to the sinister wonder of something like Pan’s Labyrinth, magic is a broad concept that can open quite a few creative avenues. Whether they’re set in a high-fantasy otherworld or a secretive castle in the near-modern day, there’s something amazing about movies featuring magic and illusion, and these are some of the very best.

Updated on July 29th, 2022 by Tanner Fox: Magic has been a key component of storytelling since fiction first formed millennia ago, and the concepts of witches, wizards, spells and sorceries will likely appear in movies for the remainder of the medium’s relevance. Be it Mickey Mouse charming a bunch of brooms or bold quest to document the existence of the Blair Witch, magic crops up in many forms across just about every genre.

While most immediately jump to Harry Potter or Hocus Pocus, there’s much more to magic than just those series, and many great movies of the current day include plenty of magical elements.

Now You See Me (2013)

The cast of the 2013 heist film Now You See Me.

Jesse Eisenberg and Woody Harrelson reunited after Zombieland to star in one of the weirdest movies in recent memory. Now You See Me revolves around four magicians who call themselves the Four Horsemen and pull off elaborate heists in the hopes of getting into an order of “actual magicians” called The Eye. The film features many great sleight-of-hand tricks and blink-or-you’ll-miss-it moments.

The supporting cast features Mark Ruffalo as the FBI agent tracking the Robin Hood-inspired Four Horsemen along with Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman. While the performances aren’t disagreeable and the magical elements inspired, the script is unintentionally silly at best. Now You See Me is excellent popcorn entertainment, and it went on to inspire its own franchise, but signs of anything below the flashy surface are merely an illusion.

Willow (1988)

A still from the 1988 fantasy movie Willow.

Though it is unfortunately not a film based on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Wiccan, Ron Howard’s Willow certainly has its merits. The fantasy film stars Warwick Davis as a farmer named Willow who must babysit a child destined to defeat the evil Queen Bavmorda. On his journey, Willow masters his powers of sorcery, helped by broonies, fairies, and Val Kilmer as the swordsman Madmartigan. The newly-confident Willow defeats Bavmorda and learns that good triumphs over evil—because this is a fantasy film, after all.

The movie was not well-received at the time, but it has since developed a cult following. With a score from James Horner and effects from ILM, it’s a match made in fantasy heaven.

Practical Magic (1998)

Gilly and Sally try to bring Jimmy back to life in Practical Magic

Forget, for a moment, that Nicole Kidman starred in that awful Bewitched adaptation from Nora Ephron; there was a time when she played a witch with a fresh-off of Speed 2: Cruise Control Sandra Bullock in the rom-com Practical Magic.

Based on a novel of the same name, Practical Magic is the story of two sisters with magical powers that come with a curse: any man who falls in love with them dies. There are plenty of spells and hexes to entertain the most hardened cynic, and, while the film isn’t a masterpiece by any stretch, it uses magical elements to successfully tell a potent and enjoyable love story.

Lord of Illusions (1995)

A still from the Clive Barker film Lord of Illusion.

Clive Barker’s work varies from incredibly grotesque and horrific to mildly terrifying and still a little gross. His Hellraiser and Nightbreed rank among the best that the horror genre has to offer. One of his lesser-known adaptations is the 1995 movie Lord of Illusions. Scott Bakula played Barker’s iconic Harry D’Amour in the film, marking the character’s first appearance on the silver screen.

Barker wrote and directed the film, which is about a man who can use pure magic called “The Puritan.” Detective D’Amour takes a case involving a murdered psychic before realizing there’s much more to the mystery than meets the eye. The film benefits from spectacular practical make-up and effects, and magic unique to Barker’s imagination.

Hocus Pocus (1993)

A still from the family film Hocus Pocus.

The Sanderson Sisters are some of the most beloved characters in Halloween-themed cinema. Played by the talented Sarah Jessica Parker, Bette Milder, and Kathy Najimy, the witches have one goal: to be young and pretty again.

Hocus Pocus is a great Halloween movie for kids of all ages. Filled to the brim with extravagant costumes, silly spells, and buck teeth, it’s hard not to smile while watching the film. The performances are perfectly campy, though they work better for those with a bit of nostalgia. Fans of Sabrina the Teenage Witch or Halloweentown won’t be disappointed. Viewers are also treated to Bette Milder performing “I Put a Spell on You” as an added bonus.

Stardust (2007)

Promotional art for the family film Stardust.

Stardust isn’t just another film about a trio of witches that want to stay beautiful; in Matthew Vaughn’s adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s novel, there’s also a pirate (Robert de Niro), unicorns, and a star personified as a woman (Claire Danes). The story involves a man named Tristan Thorn, played by Charlie Cox of Daredevil fame, who falls in love with the star and becomes master of his own destiny.

Stardust’s supporting cast is spectacular and includes Michelle Pfieffer, Mark Strong, Peter O’Toole, Ricky Gervais, Ian McKellen, and Henry Cavill. The magic on display from Gaiman is colorful and imaginative with strong world-building and cute characters. It’s largely unfocused, but, for a family-friendly magical experience, Stardust is ideal.

The Craft (1996)

A still from the 1996 occult movie The Craft.

One of the most popular movies about witches since the 80s—there was a surprising amount—The Craft is notable for its realistic portrayal of the consequences of spell-casting. While any decidedly unsinister movie about witches makes room for a morality tale, The Craft is not afraid to get dark and stay there.

Following the story of four high school girls with incredible powers, the movie features curses, spells, and more than one murder. This teenage coven is not to be messed with. The Craft is an absolute blast with fun performances and effects and a killer soundtrack to boot. Needless to say, it was a huge success, grossing $55 million off of a budget of $15 million.

The Witch (2015)

A still from the 2015 Robert Eggers movie The Witch.

Heralded by horror hounds as a modern-day classic, 2015’s The Witch, the directorial debut of Robert Eggers, features a decidedly dark take on magic and witchcraft. Seen through the lens of a fanatically religious seventeenth-century family, magic in The Witch is presented as an omen of death and horror.

Much of the film asks viewers to question if the events taking place are genuine or the byproducts of religious zealotry, but the final segment makes it clear that the film’s occult occurrences were very real. It’s far removed from the cozy depiction of magic seen in most films, but it’s a movie that must be seen, regardless.

The Illusionist (2006)

A still from the Edward Norton movie The Illusionist.

Edward Norton and Jessica Biel couldn’t save this movie from being overshadowed by a superior 2006 film about magicians, but that doesn’t mean The Illusionist is a bad film—in fact, it’s quite good.

Set in nineteenth-century Vienna, the film tells the story of the illusionist Eisenheim and the means by which he will go to be with his true love, Sophie. Because Sophie is a duchess and Eisenheim a peasant, their love is forbidden, and Sophie is set to marry the despicable Prince Leopold. The lovers hatch a plan to use the powers of illusion to free Sophie from her arranged engagement and the city of Vienna of Leopold’s reign. The Illusionist features excellent scenes of magic that range from typical stage acts to summoning dead spirits. The CW planned to adapt a TV show based on the film, but there have been no updates since 2014.

Labyrinth (1986)

Jareth poses on the poster for Labyrinth.

An undeniable fantasy classic, Labyrinth combines the best that the 1980s had to offer. David Bowie as Jareth the Goblin King, fantastical puppets from Jim Henson Creature Shop, beautiful sets—the film is a sight to behold. The magic in Labyrinth could only come from the mind of Jim Henson. A character like Hoggle and Sir Didymus the adorable fox-knight are both incredibly memorable and entirely practical puppets. In fact, the only human actors in the fantasy world are Bowie and Jennifer Connelly as Sarah.

The story, which follows Sarah on a coming-of-age quest to rescue her infant brother Toby from the evil Goblin King that capture him, is filled with magical beasts and wears its heart on its sleeve. It goes without saying that David Bowie is stellar; the film would be nowhere without him.

Pan’s Labyrinth (2006)

Pan's Labyrinth movie poster.

A 2006 Spanish-language dark fantasy film directed by Guillermo del Toro, Pan’s Labyrinth contorts typical magic tropes into something uniquely macabre. Taking place during the Spanish Civil War of the 1940s, it tells the tale of a young girl who is tasked by magical creatures with completing three challenges in order to claim her place as a ruler of the Underworld.

Often compared to The Chronicles of Narnia, Pan’s Labyrinth explores the corrupting influence of war and hatred on the pure-hearted, and, unlike many films boasting distinct fairy tale aesthetics, the film opts for an ending that’s simultaneously beautiful and melancholic.

Spirited Away (2001)

Chihiro and No Face on the train in Spirited Away

Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away is the tale of Chihiro, a young girl trapped in the spirit world. After her parents are transformed into pigs by the witch Yubaba, Chihiro must work in her bathhouse to free her family and return to the human realm.

The English-language version of the film was spearheaded by John Lasseter of Pixar fame. In Japan, it became the highest-grossing movie of all time, beating Titanic, and it later won the Best Animated Feature Oscar. Chihiro’s liminal journey through the spirit world is populated by shikigami (ghosts), dragons, witches, and No-Face, a creature that eats people. The stunning animation elevates the simple Alice-in-Wonderland story above other similar re-treads. The film is truly a magical work of art, and one of Studio Ghibli’s best.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)

Harry looking frightened

The only Harry Potter film not to feature Lord Voldemort is oft-considered the strongest. From director Alfonso Cuaron, Prisoner of Azkaban was the first of the eight films to feature the students of Hogwarts in clothes other than their robes. It also truly raised the stakes for the characters, crafting a much darker world than before.

The dementors and their deadly kiss, the noble giant Hippogriff, and a professor with a full-moon problem expand on Rowling’s already huge magical mythology. The casting of Gary Oldman as Sirius Black was an excellent decision, and the young Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint all see steady improvements in their performances.

The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (1940)

A still from the 1940 Disney animated short The Sorcerer's Apprentice.

Conceived in 1937 and debuted in 1940 as part of Disney’s orchestral epic Fantasia, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice stars Mickey Mouse as the hapless helper of a mysterious wizard. When his master is away, Mickey attempts to replicate one of his spells to help with his chores, but things quickly grow out of hand.

Easily one of the character’s most iconic appearances, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice is a timeless classic that showcases the majesty and potential malignity of magical powers.

The Prestige (2006)

Michael Caine in the 2006 film The Prestiege.

Though the film features no real magic at all, The Prestige is far and away the most awe-inspiring film about the craft. Christopher Nolan followed up his intro to Batman in Batman Begins by collaborating with Christian Bale once again in this 2006 film. Superior to The Illusionist in nearly every way, The Prestige tells the story of rival magicians and their quest to pull off the greatest trick. Starring Bale, Hugh Jackman, Scarlett Johansson, Michael Caine, and featuring David Bowie, there are truly dramatic and highly intelligent moments in the film.

The twists and turns of the narrative are some of Nolan’s greatest, and the many scenes of magic with sleight-of-hand and escape artistry rank far above most films with magicians. Caine’s speech about how magic works to trick the audience is still the best example of the art.

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